Does the Mustang Really Need a 10-Speed Auto Transmission?

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One of the things about technology is that the craving for more often yields questionable results. I tend to refer to it as the “do it just because you can” syndrome. But it might not amount to much in the end, once you get over the initial excitement of the new idea. And my guess is that some people might question if Ford’s plan to switch to a 10-speed automatic transmission in the Mustang might be an example of that syndrome at work.

That is if a leaked document suggesting that might be the case is legit, as highlighted in an Auto Week report.

After all, the current six-speed automatic transmission seems to perform perfectly fine, which sort of brings to mind another idea: “if ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” However, it appears that Ford might be simply looking to get a jump on a future trend in the industry of making cars, even sports cars like the Mustang, more fuel efficient.

Let’s just hope it doesn’t affect any of the performance attributes of the Mustang for the sake of some tech advancement that we really could do without.

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Via [Auto Week]

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