President Obama Eyes New Red Mustang

President Obama Eyes New Red Mustang

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President & Mustang text

It looks like President Obama might be eyeing a new set of wheels.

While touring a Ford Assembly Plant in Detroit, the country’s top chief decided to make an impromptu stop to check out the new Mustang. Well, as impromptu as a media event can go when practically every news outlet in the world is covering the President of the United States visiting your plant.

Regardless, President Obama sure does a good job of making it seem like he really could be considering a Mustang. He asked to sit inside the car, and upon doing so, called it “beautiful.” And why not, the American icon is certainly worthy of presidential status.

One thing’s for certain, I’m sure Ford CEO Mark Fields (pictured left of the President) and the company’s executive chairman, Bill Ford Jr., who toured the plant with the country’s top leader, tried their best to sell him on the idea.

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