Mustang Driver Does Donuts on San Francisco Bay Bridge

Mustang Driver Does Donuts on San Francisco Bay Bridge

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bay bridge mustang donuts

You gotta give this Mustang owner credit for one thing: if you’re going to shoot for a few extra views on Instagram, this certainly is a ballsy way to do it.

Of course, the downside of shutting down San Francisco’s Bay Bridge to do a few illegal donuts is that if you’re caught by police, you’re almost certain to be thrown in jail.

That certainly was the case for the Mustang owner featured in the NBC Bay Area News video below, who also had his car impounded after pulling off the stunt. The whole thing was actually done with the help of two more pony cars that blocked traffic during the spectacle. Even crazier, had it not been for a private citizen who alerted authorities, the guys might have actually gotten away with it.

Then again, I guess posting the video on Instagram also makes it pretty easy for police to track you down as well.

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Via [NBC Bay Area News]

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