Here’s Why Using a Mustang to Tow Might Be a Bad Idea

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Chances are, if you own a Mustang, you probably never, ever thought about towing anything with it.

Then again, I think I recall seeing a few Mustangs on the road with something hitched on the back.

Either way, let this video serve as food for thought on some of the dangers when towing with a Mustang.

The 26-second U-Haul safety video uses a toy Mustang on a conveyor belt to show what happens when a lot of weight is distributed at the rear of a trailer. And while some might be quick to write the demonstration off because it uses a toy, know that it could prove to be far-more disastrous in a real Mustang.

As Jalopnik points out, just imagine what would happen if an actual Mustang driver found himself in this kind of situation on the road, and he started to panic and crank the wheel back and forth. Not too much of a stretch, right?

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Via [Jalopnik]

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