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Old 3/15/12, 04:14 PM
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I'll be more active once school is out

I'll be bringing my club dues to the meeting Tuesday.

And you are right about the club members not replying. Back when I first joined I noticed a lack of club participation, and slowly its been getting worse.

Last edited by BA Mustang; 3/15/12 at 04:53 PM.
Old 3/16/12, 07:25 AM
Cobra R Member
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Originally Posted by goldstang
We had four members to participate in the parade last week.
Actually I think that is a good turnout for a parade that was set for the middle of a workday.
Old 3/16/12, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by HOSS429
Jack Daniels Fishing Story

I went fishing this morning but after a short time I ran out of worms. Then I saw a cottonmouth with a frog in his mouth. Frogs are good bass bait. Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog, and put it in my bait bucket.

Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit. So, I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth. His eyes rolled back, he went limp. I released him into the lake without incident and carried on fishing using the frog.

A little later, I felt a nudge on my foot. There was that same snake with two more frogs in his mouth. Life is good in the alabama .
Originally Posted by HOSS429
<DIR>A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could discuss the use of his car. His father said: "You bring your grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car."
The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, "Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut." The boy said, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair....and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair." His Dad calmly replied, "Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?'
I need to remember that one when people ask me about cutting my hair.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
care to guess what the # one selling color of cars in the world is
You need to stripe the Corolla too! The truck turned out super cool.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
in church sunday morning the pastor said with great exhaultation ... without JESUS we are all but dust .. in the absolute silence that followed that statement a small child turned to mom and ask in a loud clear voice .. MAMA what is BUTT bust ??
Originally Posted by HOSS429
i was sitting at a bar last nite watching the 10 oclock news .. a pretty little blonde sat next to me .. on the news was a story of a man on top of a tall building threatening to jump .. i said to the blonde .." i bet you 20 bucks he jumps " .. she said ok .. il` take that bet ,,he wont jump .. in a second he did a swan dive to his death ,, she handed me the 20 bucks .. i said look lady ..i cant take your money .. i just saw this on the 6 oclock news earlier .. she said so did she but she did`nt think he would jump again !!!!

Originally Posted by HOSS429
if i were a car
if i were a car - i`d have no doubt
i`d be in a junkyard- where i`d be scraped out
i`m coverd with dings - and bumps and some rust
and am easily blown over - by the slightest wind gust
my headlamps are blurry- most times i dont see good
too many strange noises - come out from neath my hood
my whitewalls are coverd - with varicose veins
i roar when i sleep - like the sound of two trains
i tried exorcise once - worked out like jane fonda
but the pain was not worth it - to look like a honda
i hope someone finds me - and restores me like new
but that may be more than - even chip foose could do
so i grow ever older - with each passing day
waiting for the SUPREME car maker - to take me away
Very well written.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
you see all manner of critters dead on the roads most days but you never see a crow runned over .. you know why .. there`s always one up in a tree yelling " CAWR CAWR CAWR !!!!!
Originally Posted by HOSS429
veterans day today .. thank you all who served and who are currently serving ..and thanks to all my family who did the same .

alan asa hyatt ... revolutionary war soldier .. decorated ( great great great grandad )
asa hyatt .. war of 1812 ( great great grandad )
daniel franklin hyatt .. civil war vet and prisoner ( great grandad )
john henry hyatt ,, spanish american war . WW1 ( grandad )
oscar moon .. WW2 (father)
dexter moon .. korean conflict ( brother)
terry moon vietnam ( brother)
kyle moon vietnam (brother)
theo moon vietnam (brother)
thank you .....

Originally Posted by HOSS429
<DIR>A Polish immigrant goes to the DMV to apply for a driver's license.
He has to take an vision test.
The optician shows him a card with the letters


"Can you read this?" the optician asks.

"Read it?" the Polish guy replies, "I know the guy."
Originally Posted by HOSS429
every morning when i`m off work i take a good long walk down a street that follows a winding creek most of its length .. i see all manner of critters most days .. deer , possums, sometimes a flock of turkeys .. this morning a little chip monk caught my eye .. he was running back and forth along a tree limb that was hanging a bit over the waters edge about 8 inches high i focused my eyes i could see that there was a small nut sort of like a peanut sitting on the tree limb ..the chip monk finally got enuff courage to go and get the peanut when just about the time he grabbed it a big bass jumped out of the water and swallowed the chip monk ...amasing !!!! i said to myself ... but even more amasing was that after a minute or so that bass came up out of the water and set another peanut on that limb ......
haha, I guess you can call that a 'smartbass'
Originally Posted by HOSS429
I did not know this.....

When you drink Vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure

When you drink Rum over ice, it can give you liver failure,

When you drink whiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems,

When you drink Gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.

Apparently, ice is really bad for you.

Warn all your friends
lol. I've had someone tell me once that eating ice causes cancer.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
event alert !!! CBI performance warehouse in athens is having their indoor car show today for any of you within a 100 miles or so .. always a good event .. lasts from 8 till 2 pm ..
Did you go? I didn't see the Hoss or Pinto there.
Originally Posted by BA Mustang
I'm headed over there right now
Originally Posted by BA Mustang
Definitely an awesome turnout! Swap meet was kinda bleh, all I got were some metal signs.

It was a good turnout. Huntsville Car Scene event coverage:
Originally Posted by HOSS429
rant time electric bill ... iv`e thinking for three years that i use very little water and electricity .. now the electric company has changed the way they bill me .. or at least explained if differently .. i wish they had`nt .. i pay a 10 buck minimum regardless of how much water i use .. my bill has never been more that 11 dollars .. i pay 1 dollar for the water i use and 10 dollars for the privilage of having it garbage bill has never been more than 15 bucks .. it`s that whether i have trash or not .. i have trash once a month .. again a privilage fee .. 15 bucks ... my electric bill has never been more than 30 bucks .. 9 bucks of that is a privilage fee .. what a rip .... rant over .. i know ... most of you pay 10 or 30 times more ....
I dunno what's going on, but since they switched to their new billing, my bill has tripled even though the usage and demand is around the same.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
sorry i have`nt posted much lately .. iv`e been having some tests run at the hospital ..
day one i`m lying in bed in the hospital with an oxygen mask over my mouth and nose and still heavily sedated from a four hour series of tests. A young nurse appears and sponges my hands and feet. "Nurse", i mumble from behind the mask, "Are my ********* black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, I'm only here to wash your hands and feet". i struggle again to ask, "Nurse, are my ********* black?" Finally, she pulls back the covers, raises my gown, and holding my ***** in one hand and my ********* in her other hand she takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them". i finally pull off my oxygen mask and say slowly, "That was very nice, but listen very, very, closely,"
lol. If I'm ever in the hospital, I'll be trying that.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
Twas the night before Christmas and out in the garage, There wasn’t a trace of a Import, Chevy, or Dodge. The presents were wrapped and the lights were all lit, so I figured I’d mess with the mustang a bit. I popped the release and I lifted the hood, When a deep voice behind me said "looks pretty good." Well, as you can imagine, I turned mighty quick, and there, by the workbench, stood good ole Saint Nick!

We stood there a bit, not too sure what to say, and then he said "don’t suppose that you’d trade for my sleigh?" I said "no way, Santa" and started to grin, "but if you’ve got the time we could go for a spin!" His round little mouth all tied up like a bow turned into a smile and he said "Hey, let’s go!!"

So as not to disturb all the neighbors’ retreat. We pushed the mustang quietly to the street. Then taking our places to drift down the hill, I turned on the key and I let the clutch spill. The sound that erupted took him by surprise, but he liked it a lot, by the look in his eyes. With the rear tires a’ crying and mufflers at full roar , we headed down the street with pedal to the floor.

And Santa’s grin widened approaching his ears, with every shift up as I went through the gears. Then he yelled, "Can’t recall when I’ve felt so alive!" So I backed off the gas and said "you wanna drive?" Ole Santa was stunned when I gave him the keys, when he walked past the headlights he shook at the knees!

The engine exploded with thunderous sound! Santa let out the clutch and the tires shook the ground! Power shift into second, again into third! I sat there just watching, at loss for a word. Then I heard him exclaim as we blasted from sight, "Merry Christmas to all, it’s a very good night
Here's a Corvette version of this:
Originally Posted by HOSS429
you mean one of these almost ...
Originally Posted by HOSS429
still rusting away near me
Are you still finding these? I didn't think we'd have as many around.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
i was at wallyworld the other day and saw A blind man walking with his seeing-eye dog when suddenly the animal paused and wet the man's leg. Bending down, the blind man stretched out his hand and patted the dog's head.

Having watched what happened, i asked , "Why are you patting him on the head ? That dog just peed on your leg!"

"I know," said the blind man, "but I gotta find his head before I can kick his butt.!
Originally Posted by HOSS429
speaking of blind men .. also at walmart a while back i saw a blind man pick up his seeing eye dog by it`s tail and swing it around his head several times .. i asked the man what he was doing .. the blind man said " oh !! i`m just looking around "
Originally Posted by HOSS429

Originally Posted by HOSS429
such an unkind word when used in the " facebook " context .. when my world was opened up to facebook a year or so ago i quickly loaded my " friend " page with everybody i came in contact with .. mostly fellow employees .. just a few other friends in regular life that i wanted contact with .. as time went by i found myself in less and less contact with some of my friends and i began to remove ( unfriend ) them from my list as i like as little clutter in my life as possible.. on websites i mean .. not to say they still arent friends of those friends was/is a dear friend .. yet iv`e been 6 months or more without speaking to her .. not so uncommon if you know me .. kennyG and gregG are friends of mine but iv`e not seen them in a year or so ,, life just goes on .. but back to the delima on hand .. the friend i speak of was laid off from where we work a year ago ..has not had an easy go of things from what i have recently learned .. and now this is where her home used to be .. but what has me upset is this morning i get a message on facebook .. " willie ... why did you unfriend me ? " ...,, the lady had lost her job .... lost her home ... and now her concerns are that she has lost me ... i feel really bad and dont know how to respond .. unfriend is not a good word ..
That's terrible. Even though we haven't seen each other in quite a while, and I wasn't there when you went through everything you did a few years ago, I still consider you a good friend. You've been there for me when I was dying of thirst and running like the wind. I wish I would've been able to be there for you in the same way. And if there ever is, let me know. My number hasn't changed all these years, 615-512-5520. It's always good to see you.
Originally Posted by HOSS429
rant ... you know .. i`m not a RCMC member so i really dont have room to speak but i will say .. Lisa .. was a great president for her brief term .. she made great effort to get events to happen .. cruises .. hangouts , and other events ... but now it seems someone else has been voted president .. i dont even know who .. but whoever it is has not brought up one idea for club activities or functions .. jan boggs even has to start a thread asking will there be a mustang show this year ... we are all sticks in the mud folks
Originally Posted by goldstang
Every time I send out emails or try to get members involved in an event NOBODY ever wants to participate and shoots the ideas down. Tell me why people want to be a "member" of a club yet never participate? We had four members to participate in the parade last week. And yes I posted that on the form, and sent out emails yet not a single member replied to the thread! I've been working on the show or several weeks. William and I are currently working on a cruise date for jack Daniels. But then again if you are an active member you would I've already known that.
In every organization there is a leading body that makes 90% of stuff happen. But this seems like a different problem. Maybe it's time to ask the membership what they want. Times change and the social culture of the club may have changed. This is an important topic to bring up at one of the meetings and discuss.
Old 3/16/12, 10:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Puter
Actually I think that is a good turnout for a parade that was set for the middle of a workday.
That's very good for mid-week.
Old 3/16/12, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Samir
That's terrible. Even though we haven't seen each other in quite a while, and I wasn't there when you went through everything you did a few years ago, I still consider you a good friend. You've been there for me when I was dying of thirst and running like the wind. I wish I would've been able to be there for you in the same way. And if there ever is, let me know. My number hasn't changed all these years, 615-512-5520. It's always good to see you.

. i feel better than i have in years . i will be out and about more this year than i have in the past few .. we will bump into each other plenty .and thanks for the quotes ,, i enjoy rereading my own stuff too ...

Last edited by HOSS429; 3/16/12 at 10:19 AM.
Old 3/16/12, 10:57 AM
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Originally Posted by HOSS429
. i feel better than i have in years . i will be out and about more this year than i have in the past few .. we will bump into each other plenty .and thanks for the quotes ,, i enjoy rereading my own stuff too ...
I'm so glad to hear it. I know how bad health can change everything now that I'm diabetic. I need to lose about 30lbs right now to get my body feeling better.

I didn't realize how much you wrote and started thinking to myself, "he could write a book." You should! There's just something about your stories that makes me want to read them even when I should be doing something else, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Old 3/16/12, 11:40 AM
Cobra R Member
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Originally Posted by Samir
That's very good for mid-week.
Well, it was on Friday. :-)
Old 3/16/12, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Puter
Well, it was on Friday. :-)
lol, I thought Friday was mid-week only in my world.
Old 3/17/12, 09:31 AM
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yesterday coming home from work down mooresmill road i noticed up in the distance a small girl about three running around in the front yard dangerously close to the highway .. seemed like she was chasing a butterfly or something .. not knowing what the child would do i quickly slowed down and noticed there was not a single parent in site .. this child was not more than 15 feet from 60 mph traffic .. as i say i had slowed way down and so did the cars behind me and when i got next to the child i blew my horn ... scared the crap out of her .. i saw her jump and say the look of terror on her little face ... but scaring her was not my intention .. my intention was to alert some parent that their child was so close to peril .. driving away i still had not seen an adult
Old 3/17/12, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by HOSS429
driving away i still had not seen an adult
**** shame one doesn't need to take a test and get a license to have a child.
Old 3/18/12, 12:35 PM
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a little history lessen for you ...once upon a time a young native american wished to speak to his father about his choice of names for the young son .. the father said .. it is customary at the birth of each child for the father to exit the teepee and proclaim the name to be that which first comes into his sight .. father said " hence your older brother was named '' " running bear " .. as when i exited the teepee the first thing i was was a bear running in the forrest ... your sister was named " glowing moon " .. as when i exited the teepee i first saw a brilliant full moon ... . now what did you want to speak to me about ..... two dogs screwing .........
Old 3/21/12, 05:50 AM
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Skip ... what do you know about that crash in arab .. from what i`ve gathered it was two mustangs racing and then the third car with the samir fellow driving was coming the opposite direction with his lights out and hit one of the stangs head on killing both drivers ... why would a fellow be driving with his lights off ..

Last edited by HOSS429; 3/21/12 at 08:28 AM.
Old 3/21/12, 06:54 AM
Cobra R Member
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Originally Posted by HOSS429
why would a fellow be driving with his lights on ..
Off. I'm not Skip, is it okay if I reply? :-)

"<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="postbody" valign="top">Ok there was a witness that saw the two cars racing, not sure if there was a witness to the actually wreck yet though... But according to the witness that show them race, the two cars were heading northbound and got caught at a redlight (the one by warehouse grocery if you are fimilar with the area) they took off when it turned green. This is how they know they were racing. The cars were too far ahead for the witness to get any details of the wreck but they saw sparks and when they caught up the wreck had happened and the other mustang was gone.

If you know that spot you know from that redlight to the spot of the wreck is about a mile... So there is no telling how fast they were going. Also theree is a slight curve in the road that would explain why the witness didnt see the actually impact...

As far as the drivers knowing the guy in the toyta. Devon didnt after hearing a couple of his closer friends talk about it. The guy in the other mustan who knows...

I think the most logic explation is the one that the guy left the jet pep just up the road and got on the wrong side of the road.. But that could easily be proven since im sure the gas station has camaras that would see which way he pulled out or if not just prove he was there right before the wreck. </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="genmed" valign="bottom">
</td></tr> </tbody></table> "
Old 3/21/12, 09:48 AM
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Originally Posted by Puter
....there is no telling how fast they were going
I read an article that quoted a fire/rescue person who estimated (based on damage and tracks) that the mustang was going over 120 mph.

But that would be a guess of his based on experience and not actual measurements. The pictures support the estimate though
Old 3/21/12, 10:33 AM
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so that is a four lane and the guy in the third car was coming down the wrong side with no lights on ? wow !!!
Old 3/21/12, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by HOSS429
so that is a four lane and the guy in the third car was coming down the wrong side with no lights on ? wow !!!
Could have happened to anyone coming down that road, just happened to have happened to a guy street racing. Picture of the front wheel of the Cobra where the driver was supposed to be is nasty. Kid was 21 and just had the Cobra a few months. Police are looking for the other Mustang driver.
Old 3/22/12, 05:51 AM
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with all this that has just happened this morning coming to work in bumber to bumber traffic on 565 some idiot in a black vette is blowing thru traffic at at least 100 mph and to make it worse another idiot in a silver honda with fart can bellowing is glued to the vettes bumper ...
Old 3/23/12, 01:24 PM
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this is the mustang before the crash .. apparently a terminator ... as puter said the after pictures are a bit to harsh to post ..
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Old 3/23/12, 02:53 PM
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On second thought...image is still too disturbing.

Last edited by B/W GT; 3/23/12 at 02:55 PM.
Old 3/23/12, 08:52 PM
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I was curious & googled it, it looks horrible. Almost wish I hadn't been so curious.

Quick Reply: random stuff

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