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Expensive Dinner last night/hit & run

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Old 8/22/07, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk
People do suck and there are two reasons: 1) The average person's ability to actually drive a car adequately has gone down steadily since I got out of high school in 1978. There just isn't any realization that driving in this country is a privilege, not a right. Teens aren't as capable, 20s and up just don't care about taking driving seriously and don't care about anyone or anyone else's property. The old folks - well, they shouldn't be driving in the first place. 2) There are folks who despise the fact that we have these beautiful new Mustangs. They really hate us for it. Never mind that we've all worked and sweated to be ale to afford one of these cars. We don't all have rich daddies to hand one over to us. Some of these folks will go out of the way to scratch, dent, spit or pee on our babies. They should all be lined up and shot, execution style.

I've had mine for 3 weeks now. Even people who are supposedly "friends" are suspect. At my son's soccer practice last week, one of the dads saw our Tungsten GT pull into the parking lot for the first time. If the term "green with envy" relates to an actual skintone, than that is what he and his son looked like, plus their mouths dropped wide open. The son was speechless with his mouth agape. The dad, whom I used to consider a friend, made the comment " since you will now want people to know this is yours, I'll just scratch your name in the paint for you". What a clown. He can choose to spend or not his money any way he decides and I really don't give a flying...... But don't act that way in front of me about something I've toiled for for 3 years and truly deserve. We used to carpool for soccer. Not now. i wouldn't want his little cretin inside my Mustang. Done.

+10000000 I always say that people learn to operate a motor vehicle they dont learn how to drive anymore. Common courtesy and respect have all but disappeared in society today, it's all about me to hell with you is the new way of thinking.

Sorry to hear about your ride, I always park away from everyone but sometimes come out andam surrounded then I walk around looking for dings and scratches, I'm sure it'll be fine but what a PIA and the deductable on top of that.
Old 8/22/07, 10:39 AM
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People are just selfish and inconsiderate. I haven't had anything like that happen to my Mustang and I hope I never will. My mom recently had something like this happen to her Accent. She was at a grocery store doing some shopping and as she came out, she found that someone had smashed a shopping cart into the rear passenger door (and left the car on the door). They even had the audacity to pick up the pieces from the broken door handle and place them on the roof of her car. No note, no apology...no nothing. Man she was livid when she saw that and thought she was going to have a stroke. She still hasn't got that door fixed yet since she didn't see who did it (no one else to claim responsibility for the repairs) she can't file a claim because she can't afford the deductible as she's on disability).

The sad thing is that people will get jealous and petty over anything especially if you drive something that looks better than what they have. Most people will assume that you are "rich" and just got it because you want to, not knowing how long it may have taken you to get that ride or to get your ride looking the way you want it to look. 2 weeks ago at my job, someone called security at my job because my modified 06 was parked at the curb of the side entrance while I went inside (less than 3 minutes tops) to get my working assignments so I could take them back home. Get outside and I see a security guard writing me a ticket. He sees me, stops and ask me if this was my Mustang. I told him it was. He gave me a compliment on it and told me someone reported my car as blocking the road, which it wasn't. We talked a couple minutes about Mustangs and he tore up the ticket. He assumed that whomever reported my car to security was suffering from some kind of envy since every cottage (home) worker parks at the side entrance to pick up work and it hasn't been a problem before.

Bottom line, is that there are jerks out there, and they seem to come out more if you have something they don't and want.
Old 8/22/07, 11:41 AM
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Its really bad when some of the jerks turn out to be supposed "friends" who are fine until you get something nicer than they have, then things get different. I guess that means they aren't really your friend.

Of course we've all had some people speed up and pass you, then cut in front of you - just to make themselves feel better. Folks don't have to love the fact that you own one of these cars, but they don't have to openly show hatred, either.
Old 8/22/07, 11:48 AM
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Also sorry to here It's odd how Nobody see's a darn thing you know, and people like that need be sit in a chair and have and ounce of muriautic acid just drip on the fingers so they can't drive why they don't deserve too !
Old 8/22/07, 12:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Jayhawk
The dad, whom I used to consider a friend, made the comment " since you will now want people to know this is yours, I'll just scratch your name in the paint for you".
What a cocky comment to make.

Good luck with the repairs. It's too bad the the quarter panel is dented. Maybe, if you can get a bumper cover take off in good condition and the right color, you can pay for the quarter panel repair without having to go through your insurance. Honestly, I wouldn't make a claim if the repairs are that close to your deductable. It just isn't worth being on your insurance's radar, especially if you have to make another claim. I've paid non-standard insurance rates before, and they're more than double reglar rates. Just something else to think about.
Old 8/22/07, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by lodom
What a cocky comment to make.

Good luck with the repairs. It's too bad the the quarter panel is dented. Maybe, if you can get a bumper cover take off in good condition and the right color, you can pay for the quarter panel repair without having to go through your insurance. Honestly, I wouldn't make a claim if the repairs are that close to your deductable amount. It just isn't worth being on your insurance's radar, especially if you have to make another claim. I've paid non-standard insurance rates before, and they're more than double regluar rates. Just something else to think about.
Old 8/22/07, 02:27 PM
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Yep, his little jerk kid will never ride in the 'Stang.
Old 8/23/07, 08:24 AM
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I agree with Jayhawk. There are people who actually want to damage our cars. Why? Because it's nicer than theirs is? It is just so ridiculous. People have no respect for property anymore. And the elderly just need to stop driving. They don't care what they hit. I complain about teens being too entitled. The elderly think they own the **** driving world.
Old 8/23/07, 09:15 AM
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People really can be unbelievable jerks. I was parked at the grocery and came out to find a humungo dent and scratch in my drivers side door. Smacked me hard enough the dent was creased. Looked at the car next to me and my paint was on the edge of their door and their paint was on my door. The dent lined up perfectly with their door swing too - I knew it was them. They must not have cared I would know it was them?! Man was I PO'd. On top of that they were parked in a handicap spot with no handi tag. I hate that.

Before I say what I did I need to make the following disclaimer: I would never do this again. Looking back it was an incredibly stupid thing to do and it's not something I'm exactly proud of (but I will admit it felt great at the time). Feel free to slam me for being just as much of a jerk, I deserve it. I was young, 20 yrs younger - is that an excuse?

Too bad for them they left their drivers side window open. I looked into my grocery bags, hm what's for dinner? I took my over sized jar of ragu spaghetti sauce and dumped it on their fabric drivers seat. What's spaghetti without mushrooms? Yup, then the jar of mushrooms. Followed by parmesian cheese. Oh my, what a mess, must clean up. Half a bottle of dishwashing liquid, then the comet cleanser. I swear had I not gotten behind trying to get that parmesian cheese out of the can I would have kept going.
Old 8/23/07, 09:37 AM
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I think there needs to be a limit to the age a person can drive as they get older. I was out running errands yesterday and I was waiting at a light. Here comes this old man in a 80s looking Crown Victoria LTD and he makes a right handed turn...into my lane. When realizes what he did, he stops, backs the car up (traffic coming up behind him) so he could complete the turn and keeps going. He even gave me a dirty look like I was the reason why he couldn't make the turn without going into two lanes.

I swear some people. If you can't do something as basic as turning and staying in your lane when turning, you shouldn't even have a license.

Another story on my way to work...getting off the Interstate, I come to the stop where I have the right to make a right turn as the light turned green. Well there was this green sedan sitting in the median turn lane. I begin to turn as my light was already green when I approach. Out of no where, this lady in the green sedan decided she was going to do a U-turn from the median turn lane as I was turning and cut me off on the highway as I was driving. Royally ticked me off...and if I didn't have to be at the office a certain time to pick up work, I would have followed her *** to see what her problem was.

Also, what's with people not yielding these days when they have a yield sign? They just act like it's an excuse to speed up and cut people off so they don't have to slow down/stop and **gasps** yield the right of way like the way they're supposed to do to oncoming traffic.

Sorry to vent...this morning was a bad day for me traffic wise.
Old 8/23/07, 09:49 AM
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That sucks and really irks me. I backed into a parked car in my apartment complex, was trapped between two gigantic land yahts (whats the name of those chevy bus sized suv's?) that obscured my visability and made backing out really tough. Anyway it was a old corolla I hit, probably not worth more than $1600 but I left a note and paid to have it fixed. The cost was atleast half the value of the girls car but I believe in taking responsibility for your mistakes. The fact that others don't really ****es me off. The damage to her car looked very similar to yours, mine was minimal, infact she told me she would have never guessed it was my car that hit her.

I saw the same thing happen in a parking lot, a lady in a giant suv backed into a parked car, I stood there and watched until I was confident they saw me and they left a note. She was looking around to see if anyone saw her and I looked right at here making eye contact and just stood there. No one else payed any mind and had I not been there I am sure she would have just left.

What ever happened to people having values and feeling moral responsibility?
Old 8/23/07, 10:04 AM
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What ever happened to people having values and feeling moral responsibility?[/quote]

That is the question of the century. I wish I knew the answer...... I feel the same way.
Old 8/23/07, 02:07 PM
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Sorry to see this happen to you.

Where I live this sort of thing happens constantly. Luckily I've never had it happen to my Mustang.

Last weekend I was getting out of my car with a friend to go into the mall when I heard a small crash behind us. It was a teen driving a van and he'd backed out of his space and into a nice SL55 AMG Mercedes. He then tried to leave the scene without leaving a note.
Well i ran up to his van and opened the passenger door reached across and turned off the van and took the key out. The kid got out threatening me to which I laughed at him. Threw his keys to my friend who was already on the phone to the cops. I told him he's not going to get away with it. Then the kid had the nerve to throw a punch to which I stepped to the side, grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back while dragging him to the ground. Once I had my knee in his back he wasn't going anywhere.

I did get a lecture from the officer that showed up about how people shouldn't take the law into their own hands. I told him maybe if more people did then we'd have less criminals getting away with so much.

The person that owned the car that was hit gave me $100 for my troubles and thanked me. (I did try to give the money back but he refused)

Sorry for the long story - don't want to take away from your post.
Old 8/23/07, 04:31 PM
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Thanks everyone for your comments!
I just got a check mailed from my insurance company today. My cars going into the dealer Monday to get fixed. I've sold off some of my plastic models I've had stashed up in the attic to help cover my deductable, I've got way too many to build anyway.
I looked into the take-offs, but by the time I paid shipping it wouldn't be much better than a new rear bumper cover for the rear. $220.00 for a new one, the quarter is getting repainted anyway, so I'm gonna let the dealer do all the work.I did look at some of their finished work & they do nice work so I'm hoping it will turn out well.
With my last addition of a black rear spoiler, I've got this thing about perfect for me,so I'm going to keep it as is after the repair.

I'm going to have a hard time parking anywhere I can't see my ride at all times from now on though.
Old 8/25/07, 09:47 AM
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Sorry to read about that Larry. That really su...s. Some people in this world have no honesty what so ever. It's shameful. newtakeoff.com may be an option for the rear bumper but you'll still have to pay the deductible I guess.
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