What Are Your Top 10 Racing Movies of All Time?

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There are a ton of good car movies, but racing flicks are a breed of their own.

As much as we’d like too, we can’t be racing or modding our cars all the time. In the winter, on rainy days, or when it’s too dark to wrench, that’s when we like to pop in (or click on) a motorsports related movie. To give you inspiration for such days, Donut Media recently cut together the compilation video above, featuring their top 10 picks for best racing movies.

Some are fictional, some are documentaries. Some feature open wheeled racecars, some NASCAR, some sports cars, and one even has off-road bikes, trucks, and buggies. Take a look at their list and let us know just how wrong you think they are.

What Are Your Top 10 Racing Movies of All Time?

Without giving away what the actual top ten are, here’s our take on where they messed up:

10. Are you kidding? Rotten Tomatoes has this pegged at 14%! Either Donut is messing with us, or they are enjoying this one ironically.

9. Jackie Chan drives a race car, and it isn’t Cannonball Run? How have we not seen this already?

8, 7, 6, 5. All good solid choices, with no arguments here.

4. Seriously? We’re not going to say this doesn’t belong on the list, but ranked higher than the previous four entries?

3. This is our number 1 choice, and we can watch it over and over.

2. The fight between fans of this and number 3 is like the eternal struggle between Star Wars and Star Trek fans.

1. Many people love this film, so maybe we have to give it a second chance. Initially we found too much of it was subtitled, so it was easy to miss what was being said.

So what did they miss? Do you agree with us that at least one of these films doesn’t belong on the list? Hell, Elvis Presley in Viva, Las Vegas is better than number 10, or even Herbie the Love Bug.

CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About These Flicks

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