Should You Warm up Your Mustang’s Engine?

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When It’s Cold Outside, You Know You Should Warm up Your Engine, Because It’s the Right Thing to Do. But Is It?

We love our Ford Mustangs, and therefore we want to give them the best care available. For some, that means washing and waxing regularly. For others, it means using the fanciest engine fluids. But for most, it means doing simple things, like warming up the engine when it’s cold outside.

Whether your dad taught you, or you read it in an auto mag somewhere, most of you know that driving a car on a cold engine is a bad idea. As a result, most of you warm up your Mustang’s engine, especially if you live in cold climates. Some may do it for five minutes, some for 15, but in the end, you feel like responsible owners because of it. But are you really being responsible?

snowy mustang

The Engineering Explained video above sheds some light on this myth. Should you, or should you not warm up your engine? If so, for how long? Is it really necessary? Could it actually harm your engine? These are the answers you’ll find within.

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Surprisingly, the video explains that an engine warm up was required back in the carburetor days, but things have changed. Back then, the engine had to warm up in order for the carburetor to achieve the optimum air and fuel mixture. Nowadays, fuel injection takes care of that. In fact, if you live where it snows, you should only idle your car for the few minutes it takes to clear the snow or ice. Not a minute longer.

We all want the best for our Mustangs, and sometimes that means changing life-long habits. While some of you may choose to believe these reported truths, and change your habits, some may shrug it off. What do you think, are these guys right, or is it baloney?

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