S550 Mustang Hilariously Outruns Cocky Camaro Owner on Track

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A win quickly turns into disaster for this comical Camaro owner who seems to underestimate his Mustang foe.

You’ve got to hand it to Chevy guys. If nothing else, they’re always confident. No matter how many times they get destroyed by us at the strip, they just keep coming back for more. But generally, they aren’t as comical about it as YouTuber Grims Toy Show. And in this case, you’ve got to give the guy credit. He actually posts this video of his Mustang beatdown, which is something a lot of people would never dream of doing.

Making this two out of three showdown even more comical is the trash talking Grim partakes in beforehand. “This is my engine right here,” he says. “The engine that’s going to blow away the ‘losey loser.’ And his opponent, weighing in a 5.0 liter V8. “Oh wait, mine’s a 6.2-liter. He’s only got a 5.0. You know what that means? Bye bitch!”

Mustang vs Camaro

And that’s just the beginning of what our loud mouth Camaro owner has to say. The trash talk just keeps on going, and going, and going. Funny enough, the Mustang driver just smiles and continues on unphased. Most likely because he knows what’s coming.

The first race doesn’t go so well for the Mustang, however. He manages a losing 12.92-second pass compared to the Camaro’s 12.75. Which, of course, just leads to more trash talking. His big mistake, however, was agreeing to a best two out of three.

Mustang vs Camaro

The Chevy driver promptly loses the second round, and blames it on leaving his traction control on. But it’s all on him for round three. Grim appears to be napping when the tree lights up. He then claims that he “wasn’t even ready” and tries to say the Mustang owner cheated.

All in a day’s work for a Chevy guy, we suppose. But just further proof of what we already know. The Mustang is, and always has been the superior muscle car.

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Brett Foote has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is a longtime contributor to Internet Brands’ Auto Group sites, including Chevrolet Forum, Rennlist, and Ford Truck Enthusiasts, among other popular sites.

He has been an automotive enthusiast since the day he came into this world and rode home from the hospital in a first-gen Mustang, and he's been wrenching on them nearly as long.

In addition to his expertise writing about cars, trucks, motorcycles, and every other type of automobile, Brett had spent several years running parts for local auto dealerships.

You can follow along with his builds and various automotive shenanigans on Instagram: @bfoote.

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