Mustang Drivers Are Reckless in Mexico, Too

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Watch Mustangs Devour People South of the Border

It wasn’t long ago that the 2018 Mustang was unveiled at the Detroit Auto Show in front of hundreds of Mustang fanatics. Ford cleverly fired up their Facebook Live and broadcasted the whole thing to millions of diehards. One of those fans cleverly commented: “I hope everyone has their sneakers on, because this thing is ready to kill.” Needless to say, we laughed for at least three straight hours.

Before any of you call us out for being insensitive, please know that we’re not. We know that people have been hurt by rogue Mustang drivers leaving cars and coffee meets. But we also know that we must look at the bright side of things from time to time. Sadly, this isn’t a bright side. Here are two “stunting” Mustangs filmed in Mexico, doing what Mustangs do best: running over people… errr… no, we mean, burning rubber.

mexico mustang accident

The mode99yea video takes us to the border city of Rio Bravo in Mexico. There, an event called Motor Fest apparently got set up in the city’s downtown area without the proper city permits. That sort of explains the lack of barriers. Your writer grew up in Mexico City, where shows with the appropriate permits typically still lack the most basic of facilities.

CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About This Scary Situation

We won’t narrate the video for you, as you probably know what happens. Sadly, the El Mañana newspaper confirmed six badly-injured spectators, including a 43-year-old who suffered two broken legs. Even more infuriating is the fact that the responsible Mustang driver didn’t have the cojones to stick around, and fled before authorities arrived.

While we know no one on this forum would engage in such behavior, Mustang drivers elsewhere: please stop doing dumb stuff. Spectators: if there’s nothing between you and a moving vehicle, move!

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