Fan Creates New Ad For 2015 Mustang with AC/DC

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Ford Mustang to AC DC
The Mustang has longed been associated with Rock ‘n Roll. So, you had to know it wouldn’t be long before someone attached some of their favorite rock music to images of the new model.

One of the first I’ve stumbled on features a video remix of Ford’s official release video for the Mustang to “Shake Your Foundations” by AC/DC.  The video was done by Dale Cutler, an AC/DC fan who owns a 2012 Mustang.

The northern Canadian, who is planning to buy a new 2015 Mustang, also had a few choice words about Ford’s video for the s550.

“I thought the release video was kinda corny,” Cutler responded via Facebook when I contacted him about his video.  “The music didn’t match and the people running around had squat to do with Mustangs.”

Watch Cutler’s take on Ford’s ad below and share your thoughts of rolling out the new Mustang to the sound of AC/DC.  Also, tell us what song you think best represents the launch of the new model in staying true to its roots.

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