Amateur Drone Videographer Stumbles on ‘Top Gear’ Filming New Mustang

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top gear mustang

One of the cool things about drones is that they allow access to things you’d typically never see from the ground.

Take for example, Keith Bremner, who was driving with his wife when he spotted a new Mustang driving in the Scottish Highlands. Eager to get in on the action, Bremner quickly whipped out his drone to capture some very cool footage of the Mustang, not realizing that he was actually filing the Top Gear crew filming a show segment.

“They were speeding along the Kylesku Bridge in these fantastic Mustangs. It was marvelous to watch,” Bremner told The Telegraph. “I filmed the whole thing remotely from the bridge carpark. They were racing along and it was incredible.”

Keith actually wound up meeting the BBC’s new cohost, Rory Reid, who was driving the Mustang. But it’s the breathtaking view he captured of the Mustang driving that makes the footage below a must-see.

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Via [The Telegraph]

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