GT350 Wheel Thieves in Florida Show No Shame

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New GT350 Left on Blocks in Front of Florida Ford Dealership

The hotter the wheels, the more enticing they are to steal.

That, of course, has always been a fairly common mode of operation for thieves. Be it a hot Mustang, or anything else that holds a certain amount of value on the streets. But to snatch the wheels off a new Mustang GT350 right in front of the dealership? Well, that takes an entirely different kind of thief.

Then again, the boldness of a thief doesn’t necessarily imply that he or she is smarter than another. In fact, it might be more of an indication of how stupid the individual is, considering that chances are good that the lot is filled with surveillance cameras.

GT350 Wheel Thieves in Florida Show No Shame
CHECK OUT: What Forum Members Are Saying About This Brash Thief

The incident took place at Johnson Ford, a dealership in Florida. They’re offering a $1,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for taking the wheels, as highlighted in a North Escambia report. The dealer, however, did say the stolen wheels were not the $15,000-plus carbon fiber wheels that come equipped on the GT350R. That certainly lessens the blow.

But the looming question is why wasn’t the GT350 (one of the most coveted new Mustangs) being stored inside the dealership?

“Why on earth would they leave a car like this outside in the first place? A car this rare and sought after should be under lock and key at all times. Negligence on their behalf led to this crime happening,” writes one commenter to the story.

Yep, our point exactly.

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