Jalopnik Shows Us How NOT to Crash a Mustang Leaving Cars and Coffee

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dont crash stang

Despite the fact that the entirety of the internet is making fun of Mustang driver’s for their tendency to plow into people, property, and other cars when leaving various car gatherings, it seems that some folks still can’t manage to stop acting like buffoons. To help remedy the issue, the boys over at Jalopnik have posted up a handy guide on how to leave a Cars and Coffee without making an absolute ass out of yourself. Best of all, they even made the video version below for those friends of yours that can’t read.

To add some extra oomph to the guide, Jalopnik even went out to grab the most powerful and “look at me” Mustang they could find: American Muscles’s 850-horsepower monster that is painted bright orange (which they’re giving away!) If you follow this handy guide, maybe you too can stop crashing your car as you leave your next event.

All joking aside, this piece is pretty hilarious to read, and the video also includes the most gratuitous burnout I have seen in a very long time. Seriously. It’s a 15-second burnout and they cut the start and end of it. Enjoy.

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Via [Jalopnik]

Christian Moe is hell bent on being the most unique and interesting auto writer you’ll find. He continually chases interesting stories and adventures that bring some freshness to the world of automotive journalism. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the business including Autobytel and Road and Track.

He loves all things motorized as long as they are old, interesting or have a good story. When not flogging a car down a local backroad he can usually be found several fathoms deep in some random body of water.

He also likes romantic drives and long burnouts by the beach.

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