Four-Banger Mustang Driving Young S550 Sales

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Looks like the new four-banger Mustang is a lot more successful than most expected.

Okay, so maybe I should say a lot more successful than I suspected, because some prescient forecasters had already started putting early bets on the success of Ford’s new four-cylinder pony car before the official launch of the vehicle. And while I thought it would have some appeal, I certainly didn’t’ think it would be driving the sales for the S550 among younger buyers, as noted in a Gas 2 report.

The mpg-centered news source reports that with millennial buyers now making up nearly 35-percent of new Mustang sales, and nearly 40-percent in Southern California, most young buyers are opting for the four-cylinder engine rather than the V8.

Couple that with the fact that Mustang sales are up 117-percent in SoCal, and it leads you to believe that Cali is well on its way to becoming a sea of four-cylinder Mustangs. I guess that makes sense, given the fact that gas prices in a city like L.A. tend to be some of the highest in the country.

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via [Gas 2]

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