Five Big Tips When Buying a Classic Mustang

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We’ve all heard the horror stories about someone buying a classic Mustang, only to learn later down the road that it wasn’t even close to what they had in mind. But there are ways that you can protect yourself from those kind of disasters.

Here are five tips we pulled from a recent story that certainly could come in handy to avoid those dreadful situations.

  1. Make the seller sign a contract stating that the car is exactly what’s being sold and that said specs are correct. That’ll make it easier to file a claim if you feel you’ve been screwed down the road. A contract can be something as simple as a bill of sale.
  1. Make sure to match the vin on the car with the vin on the title.
  1. Be sure to ask the important questions that a seller might not want to answer, like whether or not the car is a re-body.
  1. Beware when tracking down a car’s title. Sometimes even that can be misleading. Different states have different requirements as to what kind of information is actually needed to register a car.
  1. Be sure the bill of sale includes language such as “full legal and lawful title” of the vehicle, in case there was some shared ownership in place among the car’s previous owners.

The story, written by Jerry Heasley, details a lot more helpful tips that certainly makes this one worth the full read.

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