[Video] Burnouts are Fun, Especially When You Have “Helpers”

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Burnouts are fun. No, not the kind you meet back up with at your high school reunion, which are never fun, but the kind you do when you give your rear-wheel-drive car a boot-full of gas at a complete stop to spin your wheels completely out of control and roaring off into the sunset.

At least that’s how it’s supposed to be, but most of the time there is a cop around the corner just waiting to bust you and give you a whopping big ticket for reckless endangerment. That’s what should have happened to this guy if it weren’t for a couple of “concerned citizens” looking out for their brother in arms.

Crazy, right? I’m surprised no one got tazed or arrested. Here’s the thing: if you do a burnout safely without losing control of your car, you shouldn’t be fined for it. If you do the opposite, then you deserve the ticket. It’s a part of being a gearhead to love burnouts.

I just hope for the sake of all those “helpers” that the guy in the Mustang bought them all a beer later. Now, who wants to block the cops for me while I rip a sick burnout?

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