TMS Downtime 12/6/11

By -

Tomorrow beginning at 10am PST, The Mustang Source will be down for maintence/migration in which our new owners are going to be moving the site over to their hardware. (if you missed the part about new owners, see here:…es-tms-501950/ )

The expected downtime is scheduled for 2 hours, but with anything technology wise, there is the possibility of it being longer.

What does this mean for you the user, well, not much other than the TMS forums, home page, app, and other resources available here will be unavailable. All previous data and other aspects of the site will be stored though so nothing will be lost.

For more information and or questions please see:

Thanks for your patience, its only growing pains!

Scott & Staff

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 09:49 AM.