Son Reunites Father With Mach 1 Mustang After 24 Years

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There’s no denying that cars are special. No matter how many you end up owning, you never forget the first that was officially “yours.” Now, that might be a particularly fond memory if you drove something like a Corolla, but If it’s something like a mustang… You can bet that those years are going to be unforgettable.

Such was the case for one Rick Lookebil. The first car he bought was a 1972 Mustang MACH 1 and it was a car that he loved. Eventually, he had to get rid of it, but it wasn’t something that he really wanted to do. Most people can identify with getting rid of something you really wanted to keep. That was 24 years ago.

You might imagine seeing your old car come back to out of the blue as a bit of a shock. That’s an understatement. It’s not often you get to see such a pure expression of happiness on the internet or anywhere else for that matter. Check out the dad’s reaction below.


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