No 5.0 For Me – I’d Rather Have the EcoBoost

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2015 Ford Mustang Generic (5)

The folks around the office and the folks around the Internet have been giving opinions about the new EcoBoost Mustang ever since it was unveiled to the public almost a year ago. Everyone thought it was the death knell of the Mustang — the death knell of the sports car. How could a 2.3L four-cylinder turbocharged engine be as good as a good old-fashioned V8. Guess what: it is.

I’m going to first say that all fake sounds are stupid. I’d rather have a good exhaust noise any day. These, though, didn’t bother me. Why? Because the car is amazing. Because of the light engine up front, the car dances through the turns. I had all the sport settings on, the track mode on, and this thing handles like a beast … so much so that I was chasing down an M4 with this little pony.

I drove both the EcoBoost and the V8 GT. This might surprise you, but I’d have the EcoBoost.

Stay tuned to find out why next week.

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