Mustang Driver Crashes After Running From Cops

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Late on Sunday morning, police in Tulsa, Oklahoma attempted a routine traffic stop of a speeding Mustang. However, the Mustang sped up in an effort to lose the police officer. Then before the police could call it in, the Mustang fishtailed into oncoming traffic and ended up smashing into an SUV, as highlighted in a NewsOn6 story.

The driver then got out of the Mustang and hightailed it out of there on foot.

We have no word on whether the suspect’s been found. But still, guys, there’s no point in running from the cops. They’re going to catch you no matter what. You could pretend that your car’s fast enough, or that you’re going to outwit the donut-eating police force, but you’re wrong. And if you do run, you’re likely going to either seriously hurt, or even kill, someone. So just don’t do it.

Unless the car was stolen, what makes this Mustang driver especially stupid is that he left his car at the scene. Cause there’s no way in hell the police are going to be able to find him by searching his car. You know, because there’s no insurance, or registration, or license plate linked to a name? Right? Idiots. Don’t be stupid people. You get caught speeding, just stop. It’s way less painful than the alternative.

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