Fox Body Mustang Drags it Then Tags it

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“With great power comes great responsibility,” that old comic book saying, also applies to drag racing. This Fox Body Mustang has a bit too much of the power, and not enough responsibility in applying that power.

When the lights turn and the driver gets on the power, he rips up the nose and goes for a bumper ride. Sadly, he held that ride a bit too long, and when he dropped the front end, it was a hard impact that caused the car to bounce. After that bounce came a trip into the wall, a spin, and then a second trip to the wall.

All’s well that ends well, and even though the car was a pretty trashed, the driver walked away with no serious injuries. At the end of the BigKleib34 video below, you can get a good look at the aftermath and the carnage caused by the collision.

Just use this as a general reminder that drag racing is awesome, but it can still be a wild and dangerous ride, so be careful out there.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [BigKleib34]

Christian Moe is hell bent on being the most unique and interesting auto writer you’ll find. He continually chases interesting stories and adventures that bring some freshness to the world of automotive journalism. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the business including Autobytel and Road and Track.

He loves all things motorized as long as they are old, interesting or have a good story. When not flogging a car down a local backroad he can usually be found several fathoms deep in some random body of water.

He also likes romantic drives and long burnouts by the beach.

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