Mustang Drag Race Cut Short After Epic Fail

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1320 Mustang Video

If you think that just owning a Mustang gives you the right to hop on a dragstrip and just go for it, think again.

Oh sure, you can do it, but there’s a lot more at stake than just you potentially losing the race, given how much can potentially go wrong when trying to push all that power to those rear wheels. Just ask the driver of this supercharged 2015 Mustang 5.0 featured in the 1320video clip below.

In a run against a Camaro, this driver’s mishap is an epic example of a drag race gone wrong. Only a few seconds into the race, his Mustang spirals out of control, hitting a barrier on the opposite side of the track.

Luckily, the driver was able to walk away. And it’s just a darn good thing he wasn’t actually winning the race, because it could have put him and the Camaro driver in even greater danger.

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Via [1320video]

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