Man Waits 50 Years to Finally Buy a Mustang

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This may be the longest hold-out ever for a Mustang fan to finally get behind the wheel of his dream car.

Jack Leachman, who has wanted a Mustang since the car was first introduced in 1964, finally bought one this year for his 79th birthday.

Yup, it’s pretty safe to say that Leachman has been waiting almost all his life to take the wheel of his own Ford pony car, which puts an entirely different spin on the adage, “better late than never.”

When Leachman was a 29-year-old Air Force staff sergeant, a pilot let him borrow his Mustang for a spin. Leachman’s been in love with the Mustang ever since. Now, fifty years later, he’s driving his own 2014 ruby red coupe and loving every minute of it.

“It was everything I expected it to be,” the Leachman told The News Star.

The 79-year-old Louisianian also has a bit of advice for others who might be holding out on their first Mustang buy.

“I would say when you get in a position where you can, go for it,” he said. “Fulfill your dreams as long as it doesn’t interfere with other family members. When you’re in a position where you’re not hurting anybody else and you’re financially able to do so, fulfill your dreams.”

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