Internet Trolls Have Serious Hate for the Ford Mustang

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The internet is a marvel of modern technology and there is no doubt it has enabled us to share our lives, stay connected with friends and family, and also showcase how unbelievably badly some Mustang owners seem to drive. What’s worse is that there is a strong disposition of hate for Ford Mustang owners. Why you ask? Well it is not because the Ford Mustang is a bad car or is incapable of holding the moniker of a performance machine. It’s because there appears to be an overwhelming amount of horrible drivers who end up purchasing the vehicle that are incapable of handling one of America’s most beloved muscle cars.

The ridicule has become so vitriolic that memes have popped up satirizing the Ford Mustang as the car that leaves events to be driven into a wall, a group of people, or other cars. Owners frequently perform burnouts and drifts with no control or discipline. The end result is generally a selection of one of the aforementioned actions.

Whether this reputation is merited or not, it does make for some really funny memes. Here are some of the best:









And finally, the most recent videos by Driver Mod TV hilariously poking fun at the upcoming 2016 Mustang Week:

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Jalopnik]

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