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Red Ryder 12/11/05 06:53 PM

Has anyone got their replacement adaptors ? I still don't have one that works !!

Enfynet 12/11/05 06:57 PM

I never even needed one, it worked from day 1... and mine was from the 2nd shipment. :dunno:

Red Ryder 12/12/05 08:32 AM

I got a resoponse from LogJam today:

The list of customers who wanted replacement devices rather than replacement IC chips was given to P.I.E. several weeks ago. It is our understanding that P.I.E. is to receive their shipment of complete product with the upgraded IC chips Monday (tomorrow) and will begin shipping the replacement devices then.

metfoo 12/12/05 06:47 PM

i have mine installed and love it.

metfoo 12/12/05 06:48 PM


metfoo 12/12/05 06:54 PM


Patience 12/14/05 04:16 PM

they just notified me yesterday, my replacement is coming--i was order #180 something....just an fyi

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