Ford and Social Media Marketing

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Ford and Social Media MarketingAs an administrator of a, it’s great to see how Ford has embraced social media.  Not because I love one sentence tweets, or am a blog-a-holic, but rather it shows Ford’s willingness to engage its customers, let them know what is going on and in turn listen to them.  Many of us know the power of a voice, information or communication, but many corporations don’t (or will not) acknowledge that there are voices out there to be heard.  However, Ford has taken a different path than the average Corporation.

Certainly Ford’s resurgence as a successful and vibrant car maker can be attributed to many factors.  However the 11,000 videos and 15,000 tweets were instrumental in telling the story to thousands upon thousands of customers (and would-be customers) as Ford began to re-invent itself.  These posts inspired thousands of people to respond to Ford and give their insight and opinion, and build an atmosphere of communication, something not easily done by a large corporation.

As we approach the 50th anniversary of the Mustang, it will be very interesting to see how Ford responds to the varying opinions of what this iconic car should be on its half-century birthday.  I have every reason to believe they are listening to the opinions and thoughts of its most loyal customers.

At the heart of the social media campaign at Ford is a gentleman by the name of Scott Monty.  Deemed “a visionary” by Alan Mulally, the CEO of Ford Motor Company, Scott oversees all the social media activity by Ford.  His personal blog focuses on social media marketing.

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