When Wheelspin Goes Wrong: Three Mustang Crashes

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Get 2,000 Mustangs together, and shenanigans are bound to happen. That’s what went down last week at the annual Mustang Week held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The video you are about to see features not one — not two, but three Mustang crashes. Hell, that’s enough for at least one segment of a TV show that I would title, “When Wheelspin Goes Wrong”. Perhaps John Bunnell could narrate it.

My favorite burnout/crash, is the second one in the video where a curb prevents a New Edge convertible from doing its best European rally car impression — i.e. mowing down 30 spectators. The disparaging commentary you’ll hear after that crash only adds to the Mustang tragedy’s entertainment value. Actually, forget John Bunnell. I want the guy saying, “He too old!” to narrate all 21 minutes of When Wheelspin Goes Wrong.

See what I mean in the video below.

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