Use With Caution: Line-Lock While Racing Will Void That New Mustang Warranty

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So, you know that new Line-Lock feature that’ll be offered on the new Mustang that we reported on a few days ago? Well, it appears that some of the fine-print surrounding the burn-out feature indicates that the thrill of using it might not be worth the risk.

A deeper look into the s550’s Line-Lock indicates that if you use it for drag racing it will void the warranty on your new pony car, according to a Motor Authority report.

“If you are using this feature in an actual race (ex. at a drag strip vs. your neighbor’s Camaro) this would create a problem from a warranty standpoint,” Brian Cotter, global Mustang communications coordinator, told Motor Authority, via email.

According to the auto source’s report, Cotter went on to explain, “[T]here is nothing wrong with testing the capabilities of the Mustang in a non-race environment.  You could, for instance, test your quarter-mile time on a closed-course.  This would be permissible because you aren’t competing against any other car OR against a predetermined time, etc.”

In short, using the Line Lock feature to simply run your car on the track trying to get a good quarter-mile time, it wouldn’t be an issue. But if your buddy decides to jump in the run with his Camaro, you’ll likely be the one picking up the bill if anything goes wrong.

Source [Motor Authority]

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