Man Allows Mustang To Be Smashed For Charity

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1996 Mustang
Would you ever let people smash your Mustang for money? That seems a little far fetched for anyone that loves their car. In this case though, it makes sense.

To help raise money for a nonprofit facility he founded that provides employment and training for adults with developmental disabilities, Robert Nicholson offered people an opportunity to beat up on his Mustang for donations.

The recent fundraiser was organized to help the facility recoup funds lost from being closed during bad weather.

Nicholson’s Mustang, which he calls Veronica, no longer runs. But still the decision didn’t come easy for the director, according to a Tribune Chronicle report.

“She never broke down, never left me stranded anywhere, and has always been a blessing in my life,” said Nicholson, who has owned the car for 15 years. “My hope is that this last gift can raise money and maybe save the Nicholson Center,” he said.

No word on how it all turned out, but we’re betting most Mustang fans couldn’t bear to see photos of the smashing even if we had them.  And no, that Mustang pictured wasn’t the one actually smashed. We just figured we’d just fuel the fire.

via [Tribune Chronicle]

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