‘68 Mustang Nears 850k Miles on Odometer

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Here’s a rare find – a 1968 Mustang with 800k-plus miles.

Yup, that’s roughly 200,000 short of one million folks for the Ford pony car­ — and still running.

At the time we picked up on the story from a Daily Republic news report, the official reading on the speedometer was 823,590 miles at press time.

The ’68 Mustang is owned by Carol Marini of Farfield, California who bought the car back in 1968 with her then-husband for $3,200.

The 69-year-old Marini credits the car’s impressive run to great maintenance.  In fact, Ford even made a video of the car uploaded on YouTube passing the 800,000 mark in 2011.

Carol Marini

Over the 43 years, the Mustang has had three engine overhauls, two transmission overhauls and five paint jobs, the later which included painting the car its current color, powder blue, according to Daily Republic.

“I’ve never had another car in the 42 years that I’ve owned it,” said Marini in the 2011 video clip. “I couldn’t sell it unless I had another car to replace it.  It’s been tempting but I just don’t think I could part with it.”

And with good reason considering all those miles Marini has shared with her Mustang.

Watch the video of Carol Marini crossing the 800,000 mile mark below.

via [Daily Republic]

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