Driver Busted with 80 Pounds of Pot in Classic Mustang

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Well, so much for just pushing to pack more horsepower in that classic Mustang. It seems that someone in Texas thought it might be a better to try to push as much pot as they could in one of the popular pony cars.

A person driving a 1966 Mustang was caught in West Texas with nearly 80 pounds of weed hidden under the front fender of the car, according to KTEN-TV.

We’re guessing the driver thought the classic car might throw customs and border police off on the run. But they guessed wrong.

The marijuana was apparently discovered by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in El Paso in the Mustang during an inspection at the Paso del Norte border crossing for Mexico.

No, it’s not the one pictured thankfully. We couldn’t track down a photo of the actual car that was loaded up with drugs.  Still, the fact that CBP had to dismantle any ’66 classic Mustang is the biggest bust of all for any Mustang fans.

via [KTEN-TV]

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