Mustang Driver Slams Into Nissan In Parking Lot Dispute

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Not that we’d ever condone this type of behavior in a Mustang, it’s not even Black Friday yet and people are already acting crazy.

The Jerry Springer Show may have ended a few years ago, but that doesn’t mean that people quit acting like fools in public. If you need any proof of that, just watch this video from Live Leak. In this set of grainy moving pictures you see someone kicking a Mustang. Then someone climbs into said Mustang and just starts ramming into the side of the Nissan sitting there. Finally, both cars take off and we start hearing the sounds of a car alarm in the distance. Hopefully it’s not from them crashing into a third car.

As always seems to be the case with videos like these, we have literally zero information or context besides what we can see in the 60-second clip. We have no idea why these people are fighting. We don’t know what parking lot they are in. We certainly have no clue why the apparent owner of the Mustang is wearing a high-vis vest. Every second of this video just asks more questions and never answers any of them.

Mustang Crashes Into Nissan Parking Lot (1)

Don’t Ruin Mustangs, Please.

We know that 2020 has been a wild ride for everyone. We are all on edge, tensions are high, and patience is thin. Still, if you find yourself outside a Target ready ruin your Mustang over a parking space or some other parking lot grudge, maybe take a second and think about the rest of the consequences. If you want to get back at some jerk for kicking your car, just take that license plate. We have video of them going ham on the Mustang already. A license plate is all it will take to send insurance and legal teams to bust down some doors.

Who knows, maybe you will end up with a fancy new Mustang after it is all said and done. Imagine getting to drive home in a new GT350 because some fool got wacky outside the Wal-Mart. One thing is for certain. By retaliating the way they did, this Mustang owner is on the hook for most of the damages to their car. At the very least, if you must exact some sort of physical revenge, maybe use your fists. This poor Mustang already suffered enough without being plowed into the side of a Sentra.

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Christian Moe is hell bent on being the most unique and interesting auto writer you’ll find. He continually chases interesting stories and adventures that bring some freshness to the world of automotive journalism. He has worked with some of the biggest names in the business including Autobytel and Road and Track.

He loves all things motorized as long as they are old, interesting or have a good story. When not flogging a car down a local backroad he can usually be found several fathoms deep in some random body of water.

He also likes romantic drives and long burnouts by the beach.

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