Muscle Car Marriage: Couple has Ford Mustang Themed Wedding

Muscle Car Marriage: Couple has Ford Mustang Themed Wedding

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Article courtesy of, your source for all the latest Ford Mustang news and articles.
Think you’re a Ford Mustang fanatic? Perhaps, but probably not as much as Brian Johnson and Rene Doane. The couple tied last month with a completely Mustang-themed wedding complete with custom-made Mustang rings, Mustang lapel pins, a Mustang cake topper, Mustang-themed tables and even a Mustang garter belt. There were even two Ford Mustangs, a 2005 and a 2009, flanking the couple as they said their vows. And what did the lucky couple drive away in? I don’t think we even need to answer that…

The two decided to have a Mustang-themed wedding in honor of the car that helped them meet. Brian was visiting a friend and noticed a 1994 Mustang GT in the driveway next door. When he went over for a closer inspection, the owner, who happened to be Rene, came out to see who was snooping around her car. Of course, the two hit it off, and a first date eventually led to a proposal several years later.

You can see photos from Brian and Rene’s Mustang-themed wedding in the gallery below.

Article courtesy of, your source for all the latest Ford Mustang news and articles.

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