We Escaped Winter With a Ford Mustang GT California Special

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Can This Mustang GT California Special Make Anyone Feel Special in California?

Winter has its merits — tasty holiday food, Christmas and Hanukkah presents, the promising feelings you get at the beginning of a new year — but it has its downfalls, too: freezing weather, shorter days, and the cold/flu season. Luckily there are states like California where it’s practically summer all year. Even better, there are cars like the Mustang GT Convertible California Special that are built to celebrate California’s perpetual warmth.

We Escaped Winter With a Ford Mustang GT California Special

Ford recently lent us a Mustang GT California Special for a week, so we put it to the test. Is this car the ultimate way to escape the winter blues? Furthermore, is this California Special capable of making anyone feel special in California? I’ll forgo giving away the answer here. The video above has the answers to those questions.

In the event you’re still reading this, and have yet to smack that play button, I will say the memory of driving this Mustang up the California coast will live not in my mind, but in my heart. It’s one thing to road-trip up what is arguably the planet’s most beautiful stretch of road, but when you pair that incredible road trip with an icon like a Ford Mustang packing a 435-horsepower V8, the experience is truly special. Wind in the hair, sunshine kissing your forehead, the soundtrack of a burbling V8, and the backdrop of crystal-blue ocean thrusting itself upon jagged coastline — these are the ingredients of the California dream.

Anytime you’re behind the wheel of a Mustang, your mind will tend to wander toward Camaro comparisons, but finding myself behind the wheel of a Mustang GT California Special meandering up California’s Highway 1, my mind began to drift toward Bentley comparisons. That’s more the result of my crazy car history than an homage to the Mustang itself. At the end of 2015 Bentley lent me a Continental GT Convertible to drive up Highway 1 from Los Angeles to San Francisco. While the British sleigh is still my favorite way to get up the coast, the Bentley is really meant to charge up Lord March’s hill. The Mustang GT California Special, although born in Michigan, is made for Highway 1.

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gallery images via [area man joe]

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