Turn Your Mustang Into a High-Tech Vehicle With VOYO

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If you’ve been looking for a way to update some of the technology in your Mustang, you might find this new gadget quite useful.

As you can see in the video below, the device is called VOYO, and it can convert any Mustang model built since 1996 into a fairly high-tech piece of machinery.

The system, which plugs directly into a vehicle’s diagnostic port, transforms ordinary car data into mobile apps that do everything from increasing fuel efficiency to remotely opening a car’s trunk. Specific functions vary depending on the make and model of the car and its diagnostic capabilities. But overall, the device is focused on improving driver safety and security.

VOYO also acts as a 24/7 vehicle monitoring device that will alert the user on their mobile device if the vehicle malfunctions or is involved in an accident. In addition, the device provides users with mobile diagnostic vehicle reports.

The San Francisco-based company that developed VOYO has already raised far more than the $50,000 listed as its goal on its Kickstarter page. So we imagine it’ll be available for purchase in the near future.

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Via [Auto Evolution, Voyo Kickstarter]

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