Mustang Takes Huge Lead in Pony Car Race

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I’m not sure it’ll come as much surprise to most here, but the new Mustang is emerging as the clear frontrunner when it comes to the pony car segment.

Yup, it looks like the Chevy Camaro’s five year run at the top might be finally coming to an end.

From this January to May, 56,571 Mustangs were purchased by car buyers. That’s a 55 percent increase from a year ago. However, Camaro sales dropped to 33,982 units, a drop of 13 percent compared to last year, according to a Detroit News report.

Of course, some of that drop in Camaro sales can be attributed to buyers waiting for the new 2016 model to go on sale. But it still could prove to be tough to beat the new Ford pony car, especially since its gallop seems to be picking up steam.

“Some of this can be explained just by people waiting for next year’s Camaro,” Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Kevin Tynan told the Detroit news source. “But a lot of it is also the new Mustang just being really good.”

I doubt you’ll get any disputes here, Mr. Tynan.

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via [Detroit News]

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