Pro-Am Drifter’s Mustang Winds Up on its Roof at Formula D Vegas

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Pro-Am Drifter's Mustang Winds Up on its Roof at Formula D Vegas While Vaughn Gittin Jr. might have had a great time in Vegas, Pro-Am drifter Jim Guthrie didn’t have as much luck. After what looked like a pretty sweet slide, he locked up the brakes and went into the tire barrier. While this doesn’t look particularly awesome, according the description on YouTube–a truly unimpeachable source if there ever was one–the driver is fine and the “car should be salvageable.”

On a related note, it appears that comments are all related to drifting, past D1 and FD champs, and appropriate vehicles for the sport. At press time, it hadn’t descended into name calling and racism, which I believe is a first for YouTube comments.

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