Is the Ford Mustang a Cliché?

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One of the biggest clichés in automotive history, according to, is the Ford Mustang. The whole car, all 50 years of it. That is, only if you ask these know-it-alls.

Our beloved pony, the car that gives kids good reason to dream of someday being as cool as Steve McQueen, is ranked higher than such classic clichés as…

No. 40: “Calling a Jaguar a ‘kitty'”


No. 30: “Calling a small convertible a ‘girl’s car'”


No. 9: “Race on Sunday, sell on Monday”


While all these clichés are certainly that, No. 5 makes no sense me: The Ford Mustang.

Maybe it’s because I’m blinded by fandom, but someone’s going to need to explain this to me: what the heck is cliché about 50 years of crushing it? Okay, well maybe there was about 10 years that might not be quite as representative as the whole, but how can 40 years of road warriors be a cliché?

Honestly, I just don’t get it. And it’s not like the “author” has provided any frame of reference for why a “cliché” merits inclusion on such an esteemed list. Though to be fair, at least No. 2 does give us some sense of how seriously we should take this: “Lists.”

Am I missing something? How is the Ford Mustang a cliché?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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photos [vrooomgirls and mustangsdaily]

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