Californian Still Glowing After Reuniting with Her Stolen Mustang

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Saying that Lynda Alsip is having a good day is probably making an understatement.

The Californian, whose 1967 Mustang was stolen 28 years ago in the city of Salinas, as we reported here (albeit with a little misinformation), finally re-took ownership of the classic car, according to a USA Today report. While it isn’t like the red model we showed as an example of the Mustang in our initial report, the car still appears to be in pretty good shape considering it’s been missing for almost 30 years.


Contrary to the initial reports we picked up that suggested the Mustang was a gift from Alsip’s dad, the Salinas native actually bought the car for herself in 1985 for $800 with money she earned while bagging groceries in the summer. The car was stolen in 1986 while Alsip was out of town and, until recently, it was thought to be gone forever.

It wasn’t until a man tried to register the forest green Mustang with the California Department of Motor Vehicles in September that it popped back up on the radar. Even more interesting is that the car appears to have never left Salinas over the past 28 years.

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