Rumor: 2015 Mustang Being Built with Right Hand Drive?

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This shouldn’t be super surprising. The Mustang is destined to be a world car after this model ends, so it makes sense that they’ll also be building right-hand drive models. At least, that’s the word from Automotive News.

The UK and Australia are the two big markets that this’ll serve. I predict it’ll do especially well in Australia, purely due to Ford abandoning the Falcon down there. A pony car isn’t going to make up for the loss of a RWD sedan like that, but Ford fans are going to need something to do burnouts in. I hear they’re pretty good at spinning the tires down there

Of course, Ford hasn’t verified this because they “[do] not publicly discuss future product plans.” That said… It’s pretty clear that this is going to happen. So far as we’ve heard, foreign markets are only getting the v8 variant. Honestly, it seems strange that they’re only marketing the least fuel efficient model in locales with such high gas prices. I can only assume that the market for the Mustang in Europe doesn’t really care about gas that much. It is a sport’s car after all.

What do you think? Let us know your opinion on a RHD Mustang in the comments!

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