Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!

In a bizarre incident, a Ford Mustang was pulled from San Diego Bay, with no driver in sight, and a series of strange events surrounding its plunge.

By Verdad Gallardo - September 9, 2024
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!
Mustang Goes Swimming In San Diego Bay, Owners Claim It Wasn't Them!

Mustang Meets the Bay

In a surreal scene straight out of an action movie, a Ford Mustang was found submerged in San Diego Bay, only to be retrieved by lifeguards and police officers. Early morning beachgoers spotted the muscle car resting in the water, raising immediate concerns about potential passengers trapped inside. Lifeguards rushed to ensure the vehicle was empty, while the authorities prepared to remove the Mustang from the salty sea. Fortunately, no one was found inside the vehicle, but the situation only grew stranger from there.

Strange Discovery, Stranger Owners

While officers waited for a tow truck, the vehicle's owners made a curious appearance. According to reports, the owners strolled up to the scene, claiming they had no idea how their car ended up in the water. They suggested that they had been out for a walk on the beach when they noticed the commotion and recognized their vehicle. One would feel that their timing seemed a little suspicious.

Evidence of a Chaotic Night

Inside the Mustang, police found several open cans of White Claw. Coupled with the tire tracks snaking through the sand, it seemed likely that the driver had been engaging in some reckless behavior before the car ended up in the water. The open passenger-side window hinted at how the driver may have made a quick escape, potentially climbing out just before the Mustang took its plunge.

The Damage and Consequences

Although the car didn’t appear to suffer serious bodywork damage, there was a noticeable dent on the roof, perhaps a result of the driver standing on top to escape. The vehicle's time spent submerged in the bay presented a far greater threat, however. Exposure to the salty seawater could lead to irreversible extensive internal damage. Given the car’s state, it's likely that it will be declared a total loss, especially if it was insured at the time of the incident.

Lingering Questions

Despite the retrieval of the Mustang and the discovery of alcohol inside, the circumstances surrounding its plunge into San Diego Bay remain unclear. The casual demeanor of the owners and their dubious claims of ignorance only add to the mystery. Whether the driver was fleeing from a reckless night of fun or simply made a wrong turn into the water, the incident leaves many questions unanswered. For now, the story of the Mustang’s unexpected dive into the bay stands as a curious footnote in the long history of muscle cars meeting unfortunate ends. And we're willing to bet this won't be the last time a pony car ends up in a body of water!

Not the First, Won't be the Last

For now, the story of the Mustang’s unexpected dive into the bay stands as a curious footnote in the long history of muscle cars meeting unfortunate ends. And we're willing to bet this won't be the last time a pony car ends up in a body of water!

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