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mmr007 11/12/07 03:30 PM

can I spill my guts????
I love my mustang. I love mustangs period...and I love my's been a great truck with some really interesting history to it. But here is my problem. I am growing more and more concerned about the environment and as much as I drool over my cars, I feel guilty about gas guzzling V8's that get lousy gas mileage. I feel like a hypocrite. On one hand I say...I'm just one cars and I can't make a difference....but that is how a difference starts.

I want to drive a 4 or 6 cylinder car, to do my part....but there is nothing out there I like. I could see myself in a V6 mustang with a supercharger but that negates the purpose as I'm back to inefficient gas guzzling.

Do I dare walk away from a car that is my passion...and a hobby and a source of new friends? I can't really explain how i feel about this emmisions and gas issue and I don't know if i can walk away from vehicles I love just so i don't feel like a hypocrite

Faber 11/12/07 03:45 PM

you are right. just give me your car and i will buy you some nice comfortable shoes!

Faber 11/12/07 03:49 PM

here is your new vehicle! it comes with a whole other community of friends!


Mustang_Dave 11/12/07 03:55 PM

Not Married? I take that from your comment..."I am just one guy"

Hmmmmm??? Truck or Mustang. :banghead:

Go out to your truck and have a heart to heart and say your goodbyes.

Then walk over to your beautiful Stang and give her a nice bubble bath!:woohoo:

You could then buy a small gas economy car that is about 10 years old and drive that to and from work and then drive the wheels off that Stang on your free time.

Just a thought

karman 11/12/07 04:10 PM

Now with the high price of gas, it costs me $1.50 to drive to work and back.
My 4cyl. Ranger does all the hauling that I need. You would be surprised all the stuff you can put in the bed (4x8 plywood over the wheels).
My Mustang get TWICE the mpg of my old car. Talk about saving gas.:nice:
I guess that is my way of "doing my part".
Or is it having my cake and eating it too? :grin:

Glenn 11/12/07 04:12 PM

keep the stang get rid of your expedition. I like the acura tsx and the tl.

mmr007 11/12/07 04:18 PM

well actually i like having two cars (especially since I have no car payments) and since I have 3 kids it comes in handy to have a 4 door (ie the expo), but I'm really torn about getting something much smaller and greener (refering to the environment, not paint color) :-)

mgreene 11/12/07 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by mmr007 (Post 1044255)
I love my mustang. I love mustangs period...and I love my's been a great truck with some really interesting history to it. But here is my problem. I am growing more and more concerned about the environment and as much as I drool over my cars, I feel guilty about gas guzzling V8's that get lousy gas mileage. I feel like a hypocrite. On one hand I say...I'm just one cars and I can't make a difference....but that is how a difference starts.

I want to drive a 4 or 6 cylinder car, to do my part....but there is nothing out there I like.

Oh, man, are you from Al Gore's home town??? You haven't been talking to Dan Satterfield, have you?

Mustang_Dave 11/12/07 04:22 PM

no car payments?

and complaining about cost of gas?...LOL..

Now on the topic of AL GORE....Best way to get around that is ride a mountain bike with a two wheel trailer for the kids. Make sure they wear their helmets. J/K

I think that you have already made up your mind that you want to do something, just shop around and find the best thing for your buck and your oxygen.

Glenn 11/12/07 04:43 PM

what kind of mpg's is the expedition getting? Are you stuck to one brand?

Clark Kent 11/12/07 04:56 PM

why dont u keep the stang and get a hybrid SUV or corssover. I feel the same way as you but have dreamed of owning a stang since I was a child, I love the enviroment, but I couldn't stop myself, because of how much idreamed of this car.

poldrv 11/12/07 04:59 PM

If you got a V6 mustang your gas emission worries would be no more and Al Gore would have been happy that you are doing your part for the environment. I'd dump the truck and keep the mustang.

rocket88 11/12/07 05:41 PM

Do you really think selling either of your vehicles is going to make a lick of difference?

Aside from maybe making you feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, it won't. You'll have a more fuel efficeint vehicle, and guess what? You'll probably drive it more since it won't cost as much. Someone else will buy your old gas guzzlers, and they too will drive them all over the place. And you're going to take a huge hit on the depreciation of both vehicles, which will negate any fuel savings over the long run.

If you want to make a difference, find ways to drive less. That's my 2 cents.

WaltM 11/12/07 05:56 PM

There are other things you can do that help the environment, like recycling, not buying an H2, or even taking mass transit once a week.

My '01 3.8 liter 'stang got around 17.5 in mixed driving. My GT gets 16-17, depending upon my driving. The way I see it, unless you go hybrid, it won't make that much difference. As for the Expedition? Use it when you have to, or trade it for an Edge.

Extreme21 11/13/07 08:27 AM

I bought my truck when diesel was $1.50 Now it's nearly $3.50 I don't care. I'll still fuel it and drive it. So I "save" a little less each week or year.....I can also spend less on other things to compensate.

Same for my car. That thing drinks like a fish! On top of that, I rarely drive I'm paying on a car that sits a lot. I don't care. I love my car and truck and won't give into "da man" by getting some POS because the industry tells me it gets 50 miles to the's still not my 'Stang.

mmr007 11/13/07 08:54 AM

wow....I checked and saw that a mitsubishi montero with a 3.5 liter 6 cylinder gets 17 mpg which is about what my 5.4 expedition gets...and I need a truck because of my kids and large dogs etc.....a VW Golf GTI gets 42 mpg but exchanging a mustang gt for that is about as much fun as getting a deadly staph infection and I'm sure to find no love on this board for such a suggestion....

....maybe I could use an electric mower instead of my gas one? But that would just mean burning more coal to produce electricity....sigh....if you need me I'll be outside planting and hugging a tree

jacostang 11/13/07 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by rocket88 (Post 1044366)
Do you really think selling either of your vehicles is going to make a lick of difference?

Aside from maybe making you feel a little warm and fuzzy inside, it won't. You'll have a more fuel efficeint vehicle, and guess what? You'll probably drive it more since it won't cost as much. Someone else will buy your old gas guzzlers, and they too will drive them all over the place. And you're going to take a huge hit on the depreciation of both vehicles, which will negate any fuel savings over the long run.

If you want to make a difference, find ways to drive less. That's my 2 cents.


Puter 11/13/07 09:05 AM


There is nothing wrong in wanting to do whatever possible to keep from damaging the planet. I feel that the best way to go about this is to try to do what you can *within reason*.

As far as the vehicles, I have been surprised at how many vehicles get worse gas mileage than my carb'ed daily driver. I average 16-17 daily and get 25 on the highway. My pickup truck gets 25.

If you sincerely want to do your part to help keep emissions down, then keep them tuned up, keep your tires in good shape and aired to proper inflation, and try and combine short trips. Instill in your children attainable ways to help to keep the environment clean.

Oh, and when ya see someone toss a cigarette butt out their window, pick it up and throw it back in their car and tell them that is what an ashtray is for. *grins*

usmcrebel 11/13/07 09:09 AM

if you feel the need to do something, dump the expo get a fusion, still a four door. dont dump the stang. i drive my stang a good bit, and it get 7mpg. regardless gas is gas and will get used.

Extreme21 11/13/07 03:31 PM

I know gas is high and has been high (and low) before. If not gas, something else will cost more. We (US) seem to react every time the media tells us too. He who has the most influence at the time, gets his opinion aired the most. Right now it's the tree huggers, etc. Look, Ford and GM don't give a squat but know it's politically correct to appear to give a crap....thus the Hybrid, etc. When the whole automotive line switches over and all the gas producer change to new fuel alternatives, then they'll make an impact. They won't 'cause they know this will all pass. Media loves turmoil and what better way, but to tell us we are all bad people for wasting fuel, etc. The US barely makes a dent in the planet's fuel consumption. CHINA is the problem, as well as other countries and they will never stop over-consuming and that drives the prices up.....regardless of what the US does to cut back.

The "greenest" you'll ever see me get is maybe a nice shade of green on a high-powered, gas-guzzling 'Stang.:grin:

theedge67 11/13/07 03:51 PM

Get rid of the Expedition and get an Escape Hybrid. 34 mpg in the city, 30 highway. Can't beat that. Plus you can get a major tax rebate, $3,000. That's an extra 3K that you get back, no matter what you otherwise owe or would receive back in taxes. Big warranty on the hybrid stuff too. Batteries, electric motors, electronics, and transmission are covered for 8 years 100K miles, plus the standard 36K bumper to bumper.

mgreene 11/14/07 06:01 AM

Originally Posted by Extreme21 (Post 1045054)
I know gas is high and has been high (and low) before. If not gas, something else will cost more. We (US) seem to react every time the media tells us too. He who has the most influence at the time, gets his opinion aired the most. Right now it's the tree huggers, etc. Look, Ford and GM don't give a squat but know it's politically correct to appear to give a crap....thus the Hybrid, etc. When the whole automotive line switches over and all the gas producer change to new fuel alternatives, then they'll make an impact. They won't 'cause they know this will all pass. Media loves turmoil and what better way, but to tell us we are all bad people for wasting fuel, etc. The US barely makes a dent in the planet's fuel consumption. CHINA is the problem, as well as other countries and they will never stop over-consuming and that drives the prices up.....regardless of what the US does to cut back.

Well said, Mike. I personally know Dr. John Christy, who works in the Environmental Science Dept at UAH and has appeared on CNN, FOX, and before Congress on numerous occasions. I have talked to him at length about the man-made global warming farce. He says Al Gore is a joke, with no real scientific evidence to back up his "the sky is falling" claims. Just goes to show how worthless a Nobel Peace prize is (except for the $1,000,000 monetary award!).

Here is one of Dr. Christy;s papers :

Do a Google search on "Dr. John Christy" and you'll find numerous entries on him.

Mustang_Dave 11/14/07 07:20 AM

Keep the Mustang, I am sure that it will not make this poster any BIGGER! LOL

mmr007 11/14/07 08:09 AM

well no offense but I just heard two stupid things right now...ok that's let's say amusing. Yes China is a big problem both in fuel consumption and waste management...but does that mean I should throw litter on the highway and pour used motor oil in lake guntersville because the chinese are doing the same thing to the yellow sea....I think there is nothing wrong with with doing my part however small regardless of what another nation does.

Also, I don't know who this Dr. at UAH is and frankly, don't care because it's not Al Gore that is a scientist claiming global warming and that man made contributions to's tens of thousands of scientists here in the US and world wide...Al Gore is just a celebrity face for it....just like other celebrities that speak out for help in the genocide in Darfur and what not...they aren't experts....they are just trying to get the message out and one professor at a third rate college says man doesn't contribute to global warming? So?....I can find 30 scientists that will say nicotine isn't addictive and cigarette smoking isn't hazardous to your health and they appeared before congress too....doesn't make it so.

Maybe it was stupid of me to ask the question here. If this was a truck board everyone would say dump the stang keep your lifted expo...and if this was a corvette board I would be blasted just for owning the Fords period. I was just trying to reach out about a dilemma (for me anyway) in regards to what I view as me avoiding action i could take....

so let's get real folks...if you walked onto a ford dealership and saw two identical mustangs...completely the same in every way, but one got 17mpg and the other got 37 mpg you would buy the one with better gas gas consumption does matter to all of's just a matter of priority...does my want for a car that goes faster than I can legally go and looks real good doing it more important than a nice car which can help the environment? Don't know that yet...oh and btw

I never said trading in my cars will take the polar bears off the endangered species list. There are other impacts on the environment. As someone who lived in LA for nearly 30 years and on any given day smog blocked any view of the mountains even when you were only 3 miles away from them, trust me...fuel consumption and pollution IS an issue

usmcrebel 11/14/07 09:18 AM

well my answer to global warming is look at weather rports form as early as you can go back. its a Pattern! there is a set of three or four patterns, 100year, 40 year, 20 year, and 3-5year. its a natural thing, i dont think that all our cars helped melt the ice from the ice age, do you? also cows produce more methane which the the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect. granted our cars do hlep a pretty good bit. then the dust bowl was cause of a draught right?. well for draught to occur that means it has to heat up and be no rain. so what caused that cars again? then look at global temperature increases of today and trace them back to how ever pretty sure you'll see a stdeay increase. but then look at what they were projected to be at before the ice age, i've got a strong feeling you'll see a cooling temperature. and in the 70's were they worried about anohter ice age...... if you ask me anyone that argues the global warming BS needs to check make sure their ducks are all in a row.

oh BTW hybrids produce more harmful waste than a hummer (H-1)

mgreene 11/14/07 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by mmr007 (Post 1045693)
.Al Gore is just a celebrity face for it....just like other celebrities that speak out for help in the genocide in Darfur and what not...they aren't experts....they are just trying to get the message out

If Al Gore was really interestd in "getting the message out", the perhaps he should start by moving out of his 20,000+ square foot house and quit flying around in private jets. Oh, and I'm sure he drives a Prius ,too:rolleyes:.

If it was up to him, you nor I would have our beloved Mustangs as in his farcical book, "Earth in the Balance" he claims that the internal combustion engine is the one of the worst things to ever happen. Oh yeah, and don't forget that he invented the internet :rofl2:.

And if Dr. Christy was just some professor at some "third rate college" (which by the way is where I got my Bachelor's and Master's degrees and is one of the top techincal universities in the country), then I doubt he would be called on to testify before Congress on numerous occasions, would he?

Please see here ranked #5:

karman 11/14/07 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by mgreene (Post 1045896)

No offense but...
I would suggest a better source of ranking.
"The surveys are optionally anonymous and require only five minutes to complete. Thanks!":dunno:
It would be easy to skew these rating and it looks like it there were only 5 surveys to get it to #5.:shame:
If you want to prove your point please find a more substantial reference.

mgreene 11/14/07 06:39 PM

Here's another :

and if they were a "third rate college" I don't think they'd be getting so many research grants:

UAH cited among best by Consumer Digest

The University of Alabama in Huntsville has received a top ranking in a recent exclusive report, 2007 College Road Map, by Consumers Digest magazine. UAH placed 15th out of thousands of colleges and universities nationwide for providing the best academic value per dollar.

"UAH continues to be recognized as one of the best universities in the nation," said Gary Smith, UAH's associate vice president for Enrollment Services. "Consumer Digest's recent rankings communicate to the world the fact that we have been engaged in and committed to providing a quality education for students for quite some time, and we are providing that education at a good value. We are extremely proud of this national acknowledgment."

The "Best Values" rankings, were published in Consumers Digest's June edition. The institutions listed in the magazine were evaluated from a formula that balanced the academic excellence of incoming college students (standardized test scores, high school rank, grade point average) with the institution's educational quality (four and six-year graduation rate, student-to-faculty ratio, and percentage of faculty holding a Ph.D. degree). The consolidated "value-index" score was figured with the cost of attending each school to determine which schools offered the most academic value per dollar for students attending college during the 2005-06 academic year.

The Consumer Digest ranking is the third publication that has ranked UAH as a "best value." The Princeton Review has chosen UAH as one of America's Best Value Colleges in their 2007 edition, and UAH has been named as one of "America's 100 Best College Buys" for 11 consecutive years by Institutional Research.

Puter 11/15/07 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by mmr007 (Post 1045693)
so let's get real folks...if you walked onto a ford dealership and saw two identical mustangs...completely the same in every way, but one got 17mpg and the other got 37 mpg

Uh, Stuart. Not to bash, but I thought you said let's get real?
The Mustang does not get 37MPG. My choice is 15MPG or 17MPG according to the web page below. But then, those are not identical Mustangs.

So, to "get real", I would forego the 2MPG for the added performance.

LMan 11/15/07 11:18 AM

I drive a F-250 4x4 to work every day. It gets 9mpg if I'm lucky and the neighbors hate the smoke cloud. The license plate reads


Whilst others explore biodiesel and other alternative-fuel options, I'm looking at ways to liquefy baby seals and burn them instead.

usmcrebel 11/15/07 11:40 AM


Whilst others explore biodiesel and other alternative-fuel options, I'm looking at ways to liquefy baby seals and burn them instead.

Mustang_Dave 11/15/07 06:10 PM

Rapture 11/15/07 06:56 PM

Keep the stang get rid of your expedition. Buy A hybrid SUV and or buy a V6 Mustang:metal:

2005GTDELUXE 11/15/07 07:29 PM

I am trying to enjoy my Mustang before the ocean covers the Eastern seaboard if you don't mind. No but seriously trade your car in for a greener car if you will make yourself feel better and help with all the global warming. Problem there is someone else will just buy it and drive it anyway.

HOSS429 11/16/07 04:59 AM

mother nature will fix herself in due time .. she just may have to remove a few billion earthlings to do it but that may not be such a bad thing

Puter 11/16/07 08:52 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by HOSS429 (Post 1047284)
she just may have to remove a few billion earthlings to do it...

We can just give Crypto a call...

Attachment 35778

Extreme21 11/16/07 10:23 AM

If the 'Stang must go, I hope it gets a good home. We all make decisions that we feel we must do......and some hurt more than others. Whatever you buy will most likely get better gas mileage and also make you feel better about the environment, etc. Good luck and let us know what you decided.

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