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Mustang Freak 6/19/20 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by David Young
True. I can't become a Racists because I would only be against me :(

I'm also racist by stating to drink just because you have some Irish in you...I've got Irish, Welsh and German in my blood but yet don't drink much. :dunno:

HOSS429 6/19/20 06:29 AM

well i`m gunna "race " to the beer store right now cause i`m down to my last half case ..

HoosierDaddy 6/19/20 07:26 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052467)
I can buy a whore,
I can't be one

Don't believe the myth that you have to be good looking to be a whore. Don't let that belief stand in the way if that's your dream.

SpectreH 6/19/20 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy (Post 7052483)
Don't believe the myth that you have to be good looking to be a whore. Don't let that belief stand in the way if that's your dream.


08GTCandyApple 7/14/20 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by David Young (Post 7052474)
I thought I was white until did my DNA. I'm British, Irish, Middle Eastern, Jewish and 3% Black. I don't know if I should blow up something or throw a brick at it :)

Originally Posted by Mustang Freak (Post 7052479)
I'm also racist by stating to drink just because you have some Irish in you...I've got Irish, Welsh and German in my blood but yet don't drink much. :dunno:

These DNA tests are bringing a lot of skeletons out of the closet. Secrets are no longer being taken to the grave. The amount of people being surprised by their paternity are ridiculous and it’s turning people’s lives upside down. I laugh at the Ancestry commercial where the guy says he always though he was German but had to trade his lederhosen for a kilt. Pretty sure he should dig into that a little further cuz there is something fishy there. Turns out I’m Jewish, Irish, and British. Not at all what I expected.

HoosierDaddy 7/14/20 10:09 AM

Originally Posted by 08GTCandyApple (Post 7053537)
These DNA tests are bringing a lot of skeletons out of the closet. Secrets are no longer being taken to the grave. The amount of people being surprised by their paternity are ridiculous and it’s turning people’s lives upside down. I laugh at the Ancestry commercial where the guy says he always though he was German but had to trade his lederhosen for a kilt. Pretty sure he should dig into that a little further cuz there is something fishy there. Turns out I’m Jewish, Irish, and British. Not at all what I expected.

Yeah. I'm afraid to get tested. My dad was such a lady's man back in the day that we were never sure who my mother was.

Mustang Freak 7/15/20 05:15 PM

You should see the porcupine...I still think it's photoshopped! :rofl2:

Willie Moon 7/19/20 12:25 PM

i dont know my HOSS429 password .. i guess i`ll be me from now on .. i dont have the stang anyway ...

Bert 8/10/20 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054226)
. . .
but my uncle gave me the $ to invest

so now that you have joined the ranks of the evil capitalists; do you want those companies to make a profit; or should they "give away the store" because it is the "right thing to do" ?

Bert 8/10/20 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054512)
just because i'm wealthy doesn't i have money to spend or waste, because i don't. . . . .

so, it's another case of "do as I say, not as I do" then?

meaning, all the OTHER stockholders do not deserve a return on their investment; but YOU do?

all the OTHER wealthy people do not deserve what THEY have earned; but YOU and YOUR family do?

4x4xFord 8/10/20 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Bert (Post 7054511)
so now that you have joined the ranks of the evil capitalists; do you want those companies to make a profit; or should they "give away the store" because it is the "right thing to do" ?

Can I vote that they just give away sheep's money?

Mustang Freak 8/10/20 05:47 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316
i never said that.
what are you talking about?

You completely implied that and you don't even know you did it...once again white privilege! High IQ I think not! :shame:

Bert 8/10/20 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054518)
1 guy is sawing all over the street...
only 1 guy working lol wtf
sawing up our driveway right now

typical "government job" -- one guy working; three watching, four filling out paperwork; five checking the regulations to make sure the paperwork guys are doing it right . . . which is why I want less government, not more

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054519)
i never said that.
what are you talking about?

Should I go and find all your posts where you said that Trump's tax breaks were bad because they only benefit the wealthy; that the stock market gains were bad because they only benefit the wealthy, that WalMart abuses it's employees for profits; and on and on?

SpectreH 8/10/20 06:33 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054512)
just because i'm wealthy doesn't i have money to spend or waste, because i don't.

you can never have enough money,
which is sad but true.

but, there's more than enough money for everyone.
no one should be homeless or go to bed hungry.
that's bull.

the problem is, the people in charge are greedy idiots who make the good people with money (ie. me) look bad.
it's a sad thing...

i'm going to reinvest (for now,) $10,000 in Nikola stock,
because they are making electric vehicles,
not because i can make a profit.

So, you complain about homeless and hungry, then reinvest in a so-called green company instead of donating to a homeless shelter.

4x4xFord 8/10/20 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by SpectreH (Post 7054538)
So, you complain about homeless and hungry, then reinvest in a so-called green company instead of donating to a homeless shelter.

Typical liberal. Very willing to give away other people's money, unwilling to put their own in the game. They even call it OPM when doing so...

4x4xFord 8/10/20 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054542)
no, you're thinking of greedy Republicans, like Trump & his kids, who steal from kids with cancer,
impose tariffs that you can't afford,
ran a crooked "foundation,"
ran a crooked "university,"
made deals with Russia (& god knows who else) for money...

liberals give you things like healthcare,
& welfare so that you won't starve in times like these...

you're a little confused there,
but i got your back,
as liberals do.

No, I'm thinking of YOU. YOU are doing EXACTLY what you accuse others of doing. You realize that, right????

And you mean the liberals that shoot their CHAZ/CHOP co-conspirators?

Bert 8/11/20 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054570)
How's that?
THEY don't money ethically or legally.

Now your typing is even worse than Trump's, but I think I know what you were trying to say, and I won't accuse you of treason for it, like you would do . . .

Your accusation that "THEY" are making their money unethically or illegally is not based on any direct knowledge of the facts; it is purely based on hearsay, coming from very biased sources, who intentionally distort all of it to the most negative picture they can possibly conjure up, because they have an agenda that they are trying to drive, facts are irrelevant . . . but I digress . . .

Back to the point: you ARE doing exactly what you accuse the others of doing; which is typical liberal behavior (if you want to know what the left is actually doing, just listen to what they are accusing others of)

If I took the time, I could go find your posts where you accused WalMart of abusing or exploiting their employees for profit. Now YOU are a stockholder; that means YOU are benefiting from that abuse or exploitation; or in effect, YOU are abusing and exploiting those employees. So are you going to attend the stockholder's meeting and insist that the company is making too much money for its stockholders; instead they should pay their entry-level unskilled workers $100K/year and stop bringing in cheap crap from China?

4x4xFord 8/11/20 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by Bert (Post 7054576)
Now your typing is even worse than Trump's, but I think I know what you were trying to say, and I won't accuse you of treason for it, like you would do . . .

Your accusation that "THEY" are making their money unethically or illegally is not based on any direct knowledge of the facts; it is purely based on hearsay, coming from very biased sources, who intentionally distort all of it to the most negative picture they can possibly conjure up, because they have an agenda that they are trying to drive, facts are irrelevant . . . but I digress . . .

Back to the point: you ARE doing exactly what you accuse the others of doing; which is typical liberal behavior (if you want to know what the left is actually doing, just listen to what they are accusing others of)

If I took the time, I could go find your posts where you accused WalMart of abusing or exploiting their employees for profit. Now YOU are a stockholder; that means YOU are benefiting from that abuse or exploitation; or in effect, YOU are abusing and exploiting those employees. So are you going to attend the stockholder's meeting and insist that the company is making too much money for its stockholders; instead they should pay their entry-level unskilled workers $100K/year and stop bringing in cheap crap from China?

It's not even hearsay or rumor. It's wishful thinking and garbage all rolled together. Ol' sheep WANTS it to be true, so in her feeble mind, it is. Plus, she wants her money to come from good ethical companies, so the ones she invests in ARE. Just because she wants it to be so. Now if we could just get her to use that superpower to do something useful.

Hey, ol' sheepdog. How about WANTING the coronavirus to go away. If you want it enough, apparently it will happen. If it doesn't happen, it's because you don't really want it to go away. And that makes you evil.

Bert 8/12/20 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7054597)
i think we can all agree that there's more than enough money for everyone...

there's no guarantee that i will make money as an investor,..

now you're starting to think like a good capitalist, maybe there is hope for you after all! :woohoo:

and yes there is plenty of potential wealth for everyone; you just have to get to work and create it, you don't need to take it away from someone else and the fact that some people have more than others does not mean that they stole it from someone else

4x4xFord 8/12/20 06:23 PM

[QUOTE=Gravydog316;7054597][quote=Bert]Now your typing is even worse than Trump's, but I think I know what you were trying to say, and I won't accuse you of treason for it, like you would do . . .

( lol i was typing while suntanning, so i couldn't see the screen very well )

i think we can all agree that there's more than enough money for everyone...

there's no guarantee that i will make money as an investor,
the idea is that sales are up due to increased online sales
(that means less store employees,
that's not good for the economy as a whole

being a stockholder & MAYBE making a profit is a lot different than the Walton family being billionaires,
while their employees are on welfare because they can only get part-time jobs at Walmart...
but i'm sure things are better now that Trump has been Making America Great the last 4 years...

oh wait, he's not.
nothing is better...
Wages went up for EVERY SECTOR under President Trump, and increased FASTEST for those in the lowest wage jobs - basic economics, applied. Study up.

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