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SpectreH 6/5/20 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052017)
why is the US space program in 3 hilly-billy backwards redneck states: TX, AL & FL
besides FL being a good location

Huntsville, Alabama has the highest per capita concentration of phds in the US. The hillbilly states are smarter than Canada.

HOSS429 6/6/20 07:08 AM

caws u kneed smrt thinkin folks to B able to put thangs in outer space ..

4x4xFord 6/6/20 10:02 AM

All states are smarter than canadumb. Why would anyone with half a brain live in a country that is frozen for so much of the year?

4x4xFord 6/6/20 10:03 AM

Originally Posted by Mustang Freak (Post 7052025)
Because they can pollute the surrounding waters with contaminates and not be held accountable...:heh:

Water is part of the reason. Proximity to recover areas and the ability to return salvaged parts due to the ports on the gulf is a large contributing factor.

SpectreH 6/6/20 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052033)
I know it does, but I don't understand why.
If you have a doctorate, WHY would you live in Alabammer?!

& WHY have the space program in hilly-billy states...?

Your prejudice shows through on your posts all the time, yet you accuse conservatives on a regular basis. Frankly, in the south, people don't have to park their nice cars during the winter, or swap out tires, etc. The people are friendly, smart (in spite of your efforts to slam them), and hard working.

Mustang Freak 6/6/20 05:02 PM

My favorite uncle is an Alabamer and he is awesomely nice plus a 30+ year retired Navy man! :yup:

HoosierDaddy 6/8/20 07:06 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052033)
I know it does, but I don't understand why.
If you have a doctorate, WHY would you live in Alabammer?!

I would answer your question if it wouldn't undermine my colleagues. They have been successful at keeping out undesirables by fostering that question in the minds of said undesirables.

SpectreH 6/8/20 02:42 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052102)
yes, but then there's things like the government brainwashing them with racism against aliens,
keeping them uneducated & down in coal mines to make money, etc., etc...
plus the excessive guns & God fanaticism...

Since the only viable replacement to coal is nuclear, we will have coal for a long time. Solar is expensive, inefficient, and creates a ton of pollution to make the solar panels. Alien (illegal) is not a race. Nothing wrong with guns, it's the people. Why does God upset you non-belibvers so much? It does not hurt you, but you sure get upset by the idea that other people are believers. So much for tolerance. The right: You believe in God, great. Oh you don't? That's OK too. The left: You're a f@#%ing moron if you believe in God. Think like me dammit!!!

SpectreH 6/9/20 06:47 AM

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

HoosierDaddy 6/9/20 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052106)
i'd choose common sense over insanity,
but that's just me

Then stop putting it off.

Mustang Freak 6/9/20 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by SpectreH
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

So is bipartisanship!

HOSS429 6/9/20 02:45 PM

uh ,, your graph just shows that most canadians want to live in or near merica ..

Mustang Freak 6/9/20 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by HOSS429
uh ,, your graph just shows that most canadians want to live in or near merica ..

You beat me to it Hoss! :yup:

HOSS429 6/11/20 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052188)
i'm sure you believe that.

i believe what i see .. i dont believe what i hear ..

HOSS429 6/12/20 07:53 PM

help me .. i just went outside and saw a lightning bug ,, i thought they came out in April ,, i have not seen a June bug yet and it is half way thru the month ,, I know July flies come out in august .

Mustang Freak 6/13/20 05:46 AM

Lightning bugs only come out in our hottest weather in PA. This is usually June thru August. :yup:

HoosierDaddy 6/19/20 04:07 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7052454)
did u know my dad wanted to name me
but my mom named me
now you know!

Your stupidest post yet. Do you know how many book sales for your autobiography you just lost by giving that away for free?

David Young 6/19/20 05:32 AM

I thought I was white until did my DNA. I'm British, Irish, Middle Eastern, Jewish and 3% Black. I don't know if I should blow up something or throw a brick at it :)

Mustang Freak 6/19/20 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by David Young
I thought I was white until did my DNA. I'm British, Irish, Middle Eastern, Jewish and 3% Black. I don't know if I should blow up something or throw a brick at it :)

Or drink a lot... :rofl2:

David Young 6/19/20 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by Mustang Freak (Post 7052475)
Or drink a lot... :rofl2:

True. I can't become a Racists because I would only be against me :(

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