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HOSS429 9/20/18 08:43 AM

my neighbor and i are still at war over his mean barking dog .. now he has gotten to parking his vehicles next to my property line and playing his radio on the most god awful 80`s acid rock as loud as they will go .. he knows i hate that stuff .. he is far enuff away from his house that he cant hear it .. i have found a noise ordinance law and am in the process of getting a copy to put in his mailbox .. if all else fails i will start flattening his tires or busting out his door glass as he is parked under some of my pine trees .. woops ,, a big limb fell off and busted your windshield ,,,

HOSS429 10/1/18 07:34 AM

i`m very much surprised that ya`ll feed us more than we feed you .. i have figured you out Sarah .. you can find a problem for every solution ... HA !

HOSS429 10/1/18 08:40 AM

get ready to laugh you self into a near heart attack .. some language issues in the second half ...

SpectreH 10/3/18 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7035675)
Any fellow Americans who don't think you need universal health care,
check out the podcast Dr. Death & the story of Christopher Duntsch

Look, we know you love Canada and your 'free' healthcare. If I feel I need to be somewhere like Canada, I will find a way to legally immigrate there. I do not understand people who either a) live outside the US and want the US to be like the place they live, or b) move to the US and then want the US to be like the place they left.

SpectreH 10/3/18 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7035687)
Because they (& I,) actually want to make America great,

when doctors who cripple/kill 35/38 of their surgery patients, & just get shuffled from hospital to hospital because the hospitals are companies that are afraid of getting sued by the doctor instead of stopping him are NOT what you or America should have to live with...

we don't use MAGA as a marketing tool to lie to people like you who think improving things is some kind of mortal sin...

Greedy white TV reality slumlords whose fathers hide millions in taxes & abuse women won't MAGA;

judges who explode & cry while being asking if they drank & then lie about it SHOULD NOT be on the SC
(for 2 small examples...)

You keep refering to "white people". You hate your own race? BLM pays you to post? People who focus on race will never get past it. That is part of the problem. America IS great. It was headed down the path to socialism, and has been turned around. Trump is an ***, but his policies are working. You might cry like a little ***** too if you and your family were being publically destroyed and falsely accused.

Yes, we have some bad doctors here, some bad cops, som ebad teachers, etc. Most of them are wonderful, caring people though. Is every healthcare worker in Canada wonderful? No, you have some bad ones too, along with the great ones.

Rog13GTCS 10/3/18 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by SpectreH (Post 7035689)
You keep refering to "white people". You hate your own race? BLM pays you to post? People who focus on race will never get past it. That is part of the problem. America IS great. It was headed down the path to socialism, and has been turned around. Trump is an ***, but his policies are working. You might cry like a little ***** too if you and your family were being publically destroyed and falsely accused.

Yes, we have some bad doctors here, some bad cops, som ebad teachers, etc. Most of them are wonderful, caring people though. Is every healthcare worker in Canada wonderful? No, you have some bad ones too, along with the great ones.

She's paid by George Soros ;) We have to be careful as there are plenty of socialists still trying to get into office this election cycle.

SpectreH 10/5/18 02:49 PM

Obama wrecked our health insurance system and the repubs are too ball-less to change it. My health insurance was free BEFORE Obama "fixed" it. It went to $150 a month and goes up to $240 in January. Dr. Ford is a paid-for liar. The only thing she is a victim of is trusting the democrats. She has served her "purpose" and will be kicked to the curb like Roy Moore's and Herman Cain's accusers.

SpectreH 10/7/18 03:35 PM

Good thing Trump got rid of Obamacare & everything is better now..., wait...

Trump can't. Unlike Obama and his pen and a phone, Congress has to repeal it, and they lack a big enough majority to stop a democrat filibuster.

...good thing everyones taxes go towards free healthcare for everyone..., wait...

Um, we never asked for "free" healthcare.

...good thing you don't have to pay taxes AND for your healthcare...
...oh wait...

I pay takes for stuff OTHER than defense. And I pay for my healthcare because Feel I should do that, not someone else.

well, I'm 23 & spent a grand total of $10 in my life for 6 months of crutch rental while rehabbing after first spending 6 months healing a broken neck,

but, yeah, you keep paying & not wanting to make America great...

Someone else in Canada paid for that. You make great, don't.

HOSS429 10/9/18 10:45 AM
i am about to go off the grid .. all things related to the interweb are causing me nothing but grief lately .. i dont post much here anyway and have even less reason to come here and see other posts .. i dont participate much on the few other sites im on .. i will miss youtube .. i have become this man ..

shaneyusa 10/24/18 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by Gravydog316 (Post 7036172)
1 Megamillions winner in South Carolina!

I would loved to have won this, but not sure I would want the repercussions of instant wealth, especially at this level. Hope they do a lot of planning and know what to do with it. Greed can be a terrible thing on either side. It can sure make life easier and their family is probably set for several generations. But it can also be a curse if they are not prepared.

Of course if they want to get rid of a few measly millions I can sure help them out. :grin:

SpectreH 10/27/18 04:06 PM

Looks a little like the stilts they wore while painting my house inside.

HOSS429 3/12/19 03:42 PM

so many people complaining about the rain here down south .. it`s only rained twice this year in north bama ... once for 38 days and once again for 45

Rather B.Blown 3/14/19 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by HOSS429 (Post 7039583)
so many people complaining about the rain here down south .. it`s only rained twice this year in north bama ... once for 38 days and once again for 45

Ain't that the truth. I've seen flooding that was worse and more widespread in the past, but I've never flooded areas stay flooded for such a long period of time.

HOSS429 3/14/19 02:47 PM

i am happy to say i am about to get my V6 red white and blue pinto back .. i knew the fellow i sold it to would never get rid of it and i could most likely get it back .. i went and checked on it last week and the battery is missing .. it is filthy from mold and dust and he told me yesterday that the rear end is broke ... it wont move ...he never even put it in his name so all i have to do is get a new tag and insurance .. the mustang is in even worse shape .. he took the front end off the ford truck for some reason and it is sitting just going to pot ...

HOSS429 3/14/19 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by Rather B.Blown (Post 7039632)
Ain't that the truth. I've seen flooding that was worse and more widespread in the past, but I've never flooded areas stay flooded for such a long period of time.

yep .. a heavy dew now days makes the flint river leave its banks ...i dont have a gravel driveway and several times i have had to park near the road for fear of getting stuck in my muddy yard ..

HOSS429 4/9/19 03:55 PM

look !! an eagle .. remember that commercial .. ( utube it ) a friend has been telling me for a year that we have an eagle in the area and i scoffed about as much as when i told him we also have a black bear .. well i have seen the feathered beast on two occasions and have a decent picture of it .. i was not impressed by the beast .. it was barely larger than a crow and trying to fly off with a dead squassum but dropped it in the road .. it flew into this tree and i backed up and got this shot of it .. you can make out its white head ...well !! i would show you a picture but it seems i dont know how to load one anymore ... it has a black body and a white tail and a white head ...

Mustang Freak 4/9/19 05:04 PM

Yep just saw one on Sunday fishing with my daughter. There was a flock of geese just upstream from us and they all got up and flew off. We were like what caused that and then he flew past us and we both said Eagle! :lol:

HOSS429 3/1/20 09:08 AM
not much going on in my world .. finally took a few minutes and figured out how to post a picture again .. i think i mentioned previously that i had sold all my vehicles but i was able to get the pinto back ..i am actually getting in the mood to build something again .. got to get rid of some riffraff living with me first ..i have a new supply of tools and shop equipment but i store it at a neighbors house to keep it from getting stolen again ,,i would like to build an old hotrod or maybe change some things on the pinto .. we`ll see ..

Mustang Freak 3/1/20 11:08 AM

Awesome on the reclamation of your Pinto! :yup:

HOSS429 3/8/20 05:33 PM

for several months i have been collecting decorative landscaping rocks that someone has been throwing away at a riverside parking spot i go to on a regular basis .. i then take them to another spot where several huge boulders have been placed to stop people from driving vehicles into the river .. i place the small smooth rocks on the boulders and after a few days they disappear .. today to my surprise i find all of the most recent rocks have been painted ,, i knew there were rock painters in the area as i have found others before in unusual places but this was a pleasant surprise ,, they left a facebook page i will look up ..

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