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The Frog Theory

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Old 8/26/08, 03:07 PM
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The Frog Theory

This is a long read, but is very worth it. America needs to wake up before it's too late.

If you drop a frog in boiling water he will leap right out. If you slowly heat the water he will be content until it's too late to get out. That is exactly how history works. It moves slowly and we never really see any danger until it's too late.

Remember how suppressed workers were before unions came along? The unions leveled the playing field. Unfortunately, over a long period of time the pendulum swung too far. Slowly, businesses and factories closed and jobs left the country. We were comfortable and didn't see the change coming. We blamed everyone except ourselves for what happened. We weren't alert to how slow things change over time.

World War II, and the Korean War, demonstrated how powerful a united nation we could be. Our nation, and our families, were united. The father was the head of the family and the President was the head of the nation. Both were highly respected. We were content and happy.

We were good at fighting a hot war, but we were unprepared to fight a cold war with the communists in the 50's. They knew they couldn't change us but they didn't care. Their philosophy was to wait it out and capture the minds of our children. They loaded our colleges with many of their professors and waited. It didn't take long to see the results.

The 60''s ushered in the radicals, drug culture, student protesters, and the Vietnam War. The aim of the cold war was to divide and conquer. They divided our families and the nation. The secret to defeating a polite and respectful people is to scream. The louder and longer you scream the better your chance of winning. Radicals are masters at this form of attack. They know if you constantly scream and repeat a lie it will eventually become the truth.

The media, and Hollywood, hammered us with hate America themes and stories. Our service men, and women, were jeered, cursed, and spit on. Even the people, who later wanted to become their President, thrashed them. We lost our first War in history. There was no hero's homecoming for our fighting men and women.

The Reverend King, who was raised in the old school, peacefully changed the race issue and united the people. When he died the new breed of leaders like the Jesse Jackson's, Luis Farrakhan's, Al Sharpton's, and Rev. Wright's put a lid on his efforts and turned racism into a money making machine.

Corporations were green-mailed by threats of protests, product boycotts, or endless lawsuits. Every issue, large or small, became a race issue. The public recoiled in fear of being called a racist. Their voices were silenced because one word could cost you a career, get you fired, or get you sued.

Even politicians buckled under to the pressure. The Florida legislature issued a formal apology for having slavery 200 years ago. They were thanked by being asked for compensation. There is no end in sight for this kind of nonsense. America didn't capture slaves and bring them to America. Their own people sold them to slave traders from several nations. This knowledge doesn't stop the screamers. History is what it is and you can't change it. There have been many tragic events in history. You acknowledge them and move on.

They divided our nation into two separate Americas. We now have Americans, and African-Americans, although Africa has nothing to do with being an American. You can be one or the other but not both. You are what you were born to be. You do not subordinate our country to any foreign nation. It's equivalent to flying the African flag above the Stars and Stripes. If you hyphenate two countries America should always come first.

This election year could be the turning point in our history because the frog theory has come into play. It's time to step back and look at how the country has slowly changed since the cold war started. Don't get caught up in all the hype.

George McGovern was the first Presidential candidate to test the waters with college students. The Clinton's played a big role in his campaign. It was the worst campaign ever run. He was crushed in the election.

Step two was to infiltrate all the information vehicles such as radio, newspapers, magazines, TV and movies. They were quite successful at that. Jimmy Carter was the first President to demonstrate the leadership skills of the far left. Weak military, high taxes, runaway inflation, 19% mortgage rates, and plain incompetence ended his career in Washington. Iran, a small country at the time, took American hostages and kicked sand in our face. By negotiating from weakness Carter could not get the hostages released.

The big benefit of the Carter years is that they were followed by the Reagan years. The nation got a clear look at the difference between a weak nation and a strong nation. Every student should know this difference. When Ronald Reagan took over the hostages were quickly released, taxes were lowered, inflation dropped, mortgage rates dropped, and the military was strengthened. Russia quickly waved the white flag and waited for another Democrat term.

Clinton took over Carters uncompleted social programs. He weakened the military and tried to pass large government programs. An Intern derailed his Presidency. While he was tied up with his personal problems his lawyers ran the country. He passed up three opportunities to take out Osama Bin Laden. This eventually cost us the loss of our Twin Towers, thousands of American lives, and got us involved in a war with Iraq.

By the end of his term the left had captured a large share of the media and it flexed its muscle in 2000. The hate Bush campaign got off to a roaring start. The brainwashing theory of repeating the same story over and over again was launched.

There were endless stories about our evil nation and its President. Top-secret plans were leaked to the press and printed for the entire world to see. Hollywood cranked out documentaries about the evil Bush administration and our evil military. They laid the groundwork for the next election. The ACLU flooded the courts with lawsuits and the Democrat party became a law firm. Almost every incumbent, or his or her spouse, is a lawyer.

They now have the perfect candidate because they can squash criticism by playing the race card. If you don't like Obama, or criticize him, you are a racist. They can hide his inexperience and background by turning him into a rock star and singing change and hope. They don't tell us what kind of change, or how it will be done, only that you should hope for the best. By keeping the hype going they don't have to put anything of substance on the table.

The only thing we really know about Obama is that his wife has never been proud to be an American. They want us to believe that his liberal college professors, Rev. Pfleger, his ties to radicals Bill Ayer and Luis Farrakhan, and listening to the Rev. Wright's hate talks for 20 years, had no influence on his thinking. If they didn't, then who did? He wasn't in business and didn't see fit to serve his country. These people launched his political career and their organizations received earmarks in return for their campaign donations and political help. They must have had some influence. Rev. Wright's church received over $15 million. That's only one small local church. Think on a national scale.

The change being promoted is a change back to the Carter years. It started in 2006 when the lawyer party took over. There have been endless lawsuits and investigations in retaliation for the Clinton years. It keeps the lawyers busy but does nothing for the economy. The economy has been in a downward spiral since they took over.

Returning to the Carter years of high taxes, high inflation, and a weak military is not the change we are looking for. We cannot cower to a bunch of crazies whose only goal in life is to kill us.

The old sage's (over 50) will have to play a big role in this election. The young people simply don't know what the aged know. The advantage of aging is the knowledge you accumulated. You know what United States means. You know what the seldom-heard word respect means. You know how wonderful freedom and independence is. You know the difference between a strong and a weak nation; and you know what it takes to keep it strong. You know history because you have lived it.

Although the old guard is dying off, and getting too tired to fight, they have to muster one more charge. If they don't, our children, and grandchildren, will never know the joy and freedom that is the bedrock of our country. The heat is slowly being turned up and the water is getting hot. The old frogs better start jumping before it's too late.
Old 8/26/08, 03:42 PM
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The theory is sound. If you Just Really think and watch the Stuff that is on TV Now and how Outragious it would have been 20 Years ago it is painfully obvious. We have gone to Sleep as a Nation and the wake up Call is Here. We are Slowly and Surely Losing all that we hold Dear as a Nation. Regardless of who sits in the Oval Office we as Americans Have to Start Caring Again and Making the Noise and sacrifices necessary to start Undoing Injustices.


Old 8/26/08, 07:01 PM
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Old 8/26/08, 08:20 PM
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You were obviously not in my scout troop when you were a little boy or you would know this firsthand.
Remember what P.T. Barnum said: “If it sounds like the truth, it’s a lie!”
Jimmy Carter was arrogant and he pissed off the congress. Clinton was a fool who ignored his own advise. I urge your to look at US papers in 1935 most were GOP owned and more than a few denounced FDR as a evil fraud, a tool of Stalin and the Jews. I remember how MLK was dismissed as a communist.
By the way Unions did not kill jobs, cheap labor over seas did the trick. Greed is what it is.
When Reagan was leading this "strong nation," what was his response to Islamic terrorism when they killed over 240 American troops in the Beirut barracks attack?
You can spin thing a lot of ways.
This kind of rhetoric is more dangerous than any foreign enemy because it encourages what it purports to fix. It divides America with innuendo, not to brings it together with facts.
Old 8/26/08, 08:34 PM
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WHAT!!!!!! That is exactly the case and point. AMERICAN's Are Asleep. This Young Lip serving liberal will bring your PT Barum into the Big Tent. America needs to wake up, it is getting late, almost too late. That young orator and his attack dog veep, are NOT what is needed to bring America back to it's standard it once held. Experience, Honor, Integrity. That's what we need. That's what John McCain brings. Not Barrack Obama.

Yeah, I'm an Old Guy!!!
Old 8/26/08, 08:47 PM
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Regardless of what you call it, and sure certain things can be nit-picked and debated, but the underlying principal is true. We don't have our grandfather's generation around much anymore. (I'm 31) Our grandfather's WWII generation was about protecting America first, I wish I would've been able to live in those times, although I'm fortunate to have lived in the years of peace that were won as a result of their efforts. With a 21 month old son, it is time for our generation to rise to the greatness of the generations before us. I just don't know if we, as a people, have the guts.
Old 8/26/08, 10:00 PM
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You are missing my point.
Both sides are using a false statement to prove their assertions.
AL GORE the analogy in his presentations and the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" to describe people's ignorance towards the issue of global warming.
Whatever your feeling are about the dissertation from Dr. Larry J. Tracy (this is to whom this is widely credited), it is written in the style of a persuasive argument not factual documentation.
Who the heck is this guy, or is it a pseudonym?
People talk about credentials. His credentials are non-existent.
Old 8/27/08, 12:48 AM
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I think your missing the point that you are actually also hitting on. This IS a persuasive argument and it's intent is to wake people up and start questioning even the basics.

Bottom line, the world is royally F'd up right now and Obama has absolutely no clue as to what he is doing and will take us many steps backwards no matter what your opinion of this nation currently is. He is the wrong direction.
Old 8/27/08, 05:39 AM
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Originally Posted by rrobello
I think your missing the point that you are actually also hitting on. This IS a persuasive argument and it's intent is to wake people up and start questioning even the basics.

Bottom line, the world is royally F'd up right now and Obama has absolutely no clue as to what he is doing and will take us many steps backwards no matter what your opinion of this nation currently is. He is the wrong direction.
I understand.
I am at a point now that I don't believe either candidate will get us out of this mess any time soon.
The Bush administration has spent our money like a drunken sailor.
No matter how great or poor a leader we have, we may have rough times for a while.
I really don't believe that the president has too much control over the economic forces of a world economy.
He only controls only the money in OUR coffers.
The whole frog analogy from any writer still cracks me up as a premise.
I have seen first-hand that frogs don't like hot water (slowly or fast).
I didn't understand it when I heard Al Gore used it.
Old 8/27/08, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by karman
The Bush administration...
Includes Republicans and Democrats; you know... that whole checks and balances thing.
Old 8/27/08, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by karman
I understand.
I am at a point now that I don't believe either candidate will get us out of this mess any time soon.
The Bush administration has spent our money like a drunken sailor.
No matter how great or poor a leader we have, we may have rough times for a while.
I really don't believe that the president has too much control over the economic forces of a world economy.
He only controls only the money in OUR coffers.
The whole frog analogy from any writer still cracks me up as a premise.
I have seen first-hand that frogs don't like hot water (slowly or fast).
I didn't understand it when I heard Al Gore used it.
Frogs may or may not jump out of hot water, slow or fast. But the analogy does fit humans quite well. i agree that both candidates will probably put us on the path to "hell in a handbasket" McCain will take the back roads with lots of slow traffic. Obama will put us in the left lane of the expressway.
the damage that 8 years of McCain will do will pale in comparision to the damage Obama will do in the first 4 years.
Old 8/28/08, 03:15 AM
TMS West Coast Correspondent
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Originally Posted by karman
I understand.
I am at a point now that I don't believe either candidate will get us out of this mess any time soon.
The Bush administration has spent our money like a drunken sailor.
No matter how great or poor a leader we have, we may have rough times for a while.
I really don't believe that the president has too much control over the economic forces of a world economy.
He only controls only the money in OUR coffers.
The whole frog analogy from any writer still cracks me up as a premise.
I have seen first-hand that frogs don't like hot water (slowly or fast).
I didn't understand it when I heard Al Gore used it.
considering most of the money spent was to fund our military, not only was it not money wasted, but if it weren't for Clinton decimating our military and intelligence that Reagan had created by cutting billions out of the budget we wouldn't have needed ridiculous amounts of spending on this war. It always pisses me off when the Dems say that they have the best interests of our troops in mind; there is a reason why the overwhelming majority of military and their families vote Republican...they like having money to buy the weapons and supplies they need to properly and safely do their jobs and Im sure they enjoy also getting paid to do so instead of not even having enough funding to pay for deserved promotions like what happened under Clinton. BTW a very, very small amount of the military don't support Bush, this war or McCain. Unfortunately the news only puts those that do on the air; most of whom never actually see any combat time anyways.

If you support our troops...VOTE REPUBLICAN! VOTE McCAIN!

Originally Posted by presto
Frogs may or may not jump out of hot water, slow or fast. But the analogy does fit humans quite well. i agree that both candidates will probably put us on the path to "hell in a handbasket" McCain will take the back roads with lots of slow traffic. Obama will put us in the left lane of the expressway.
the damage that 8 years of McCain will do will pale in comparision to the damage Obama will do in the first 4 years.
I agree 100% that Obama will fast track us right off a cliff. He will not get reelected if he is elected this time around. There is a reason that dems almost never get reelected to a second term. People give them a try every now and then when one of them comes along and gives some great, inspiring speeches of better lives and then real quickly they are reminded why they should've voted Republican.

As for McCain, while I disagree with some of his issues like his immigration policies they are small and almost insignificant when it comes to national security. And with Russia moving into Georgia and funding our enemies this is not the time to be toying around with idea of destroying our economy by raising taxes so that we can take money from those who have worked hard and earned it to give to those who haven't. Let's look at the important issues at hand and McCain's stance on them: the surge-McCain was right, not bowing down to Iran-McCain is right, on Russia-McCain was right, on supporting Georgia and the Ukraine in becoming part of NATO-McCain was right, on oil-McCain is right in no longer making our enemies richer and in trying everything from drilling here to exploring alternative energies, on the economy-McCain is right in not wanting to raise taxes and ad new ones. So while you may think that he is also moving in the wrong direction there is enough of him that is moving in the correct direction and at the very least will slow, if not hold off the further degradation of this nation until the next Reagan comes along to bring us back to the leading superpower we were before Clinton.

In fact one way of looking at it is to quote Bill Clinton himself from a speech he gave in Denver on Tuesday:

“Suppose you’re a voter, and you’ve got candidate X and candidate Y. Candidate X agrees with you on everything, but you don’t think that candidate can deliver on anything at all. Candidate Y you agree with on about half the issues, but he can deliver. Which candidate are you going to vote for?”
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