Burnt Boss 302 Is All Kinds of Sad

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burnt boss

“Some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”

That quote is from Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, when Alfred tries to explain to Master Wayne why the Joker is the Joker. However, the quote is especially appropriate when considering the monster that caused the destruction of this beautiful gotta-have-it-green Boss 302.

According to the owner, the tires were slashed and the car set on fire for apparently no reason at all. While other cars near the Boss got their tires slashed, his Boss 302 was the only car to be set on fire. What kind of a madman just sets another person’s car on fire without a really compelling reason?

It’s not like there’s a war going on. It’s not like the car was in the middle of the street during a riot. It was just in some lot when some evil person decided they were bored and wanted to watch this brilliant car burn to the ground. I bet they drive a Prius. Sociopaths always drive a Prius.

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Via [Imgur]

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