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romcjr 4/18/16 10:29 AM

Historic Flooding
Hey guys . I.m sure if you watch any news you're aware of the flooding we are having here in Houston , TX. . My 13 GT got just enough water in it to soak the carpet . I am waiting for water to recede a bit more so it gets out of my garage and I can get in there and do something .
My question is are they going to total my car because it got a little water in it . My wife had a Honda and they totaled her car cause they said the computer was on the floorboard .
Has anybody been through this ? I have put a lot of time and money into my car and I know insurance won't come close to what it's worth . I would appreciate any suggestions on how to proceed from here . Thanks for the help and hope none of you get this rain . (16.5 inches overnight):nathan:

houtex 4/18/16 03:05 PM

How far up the sides?

The computers are in the kick panels. The floor doesn't have anything there. It's floor, pad, carpet in these things, so unless it cleared the sills and up the door, you probably are ok. Just need to air out the carpet. Get a shop vac and suck up as much water as you can, then leave it in the garage with the windows open.

Stay strong, fellow Houston Metro Area denzien. :nice:

romcjr 4/18/16 05:29 PM

Thanks for the glimmer of hope . I vacuumed all the water I could get and now I have two fans blowing inside the car . As long as we don't get hammered again tonight , maybe it will be ok. ,

houtex 4/18/16 07:31 PM

Also, see if you can get hooked up with an ozone generator. After you dry it out, you run that to prevent any mold or such from having a chance in the car. Run it for a few hours. Without oxygen (being as it's converted to ozone) nothing can breathe in the car, so it dies and won't come back.

Be sure you air it out after, of course, because you won't do so well with the ozone either. :)

mfc133 4/19/16 12:13 PM

If it were me I'd pull the carpet out of the car. Give you a chance to get the floor dry and expose both sides of the carpet for better air-drying.

Coyote5-0 4/19/16 02:27 PM

You'll probably never get rid of the mold smell, especially from dirty flood water. If you do so much work on the car yourself, why didn't you have jackstands to put the car on???

BaknBlk 4/19/16 10:07 PM

For a "cheap" piece of mind I would pull the carpet and the backing, make sure everything under is dry and use the ozone dryer....then buy new carpet and backing. It's not all that expensive and might be the best way to go. And I'm quite sure when the flooding started, he wasn't as worried at first about the car and possibly putting it on jack much as I love my car, it is a car....other things would come first in my mind to take of during a flood....just my opinion.

Mustang Freak 4/20/16 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by BaknBlk
And I'm quite sure when the flooding started, he wasn't as worried at first about the car and possibly putting it on jack much as I love my car, it is a car....other things would come first in my mind to take of during a flood....just my opinion.

:agree: Best of luck and new carpet should work.

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