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Five Oh Brian 2/11/10 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by objoe (Post 5815140)
Great deal. Even better than X-plan I believe.

X-plan is about $150-$200 above the factory invoice total. Still a good deal, but the OP has found a local dealer willing to go $300 below invoice, so that's nearly $500 better than X-plan for him.

trick25 2/11/10 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Five Oh Brian (Post 5815210)
X-plan is about $150-$200 above the factory invoice total. Still a good deal, but the OP has found a local dealer willing to go $300 below invoice, so that's nearly $500 better than X-plan for him.

very true and yes its a great deal. but remember this. IF you are trading in make sure you are getting the best for your trade. ive had dealers have a good price but try to steal from me on my trade in and i wound up paying more for the new car but wound up better in the end cause they gave me more for my trade in.

Ranger 2/11/10 12:11 PM

If I was looking for an 11, I would take it. I think when they first come out, the dealers are going to do their usual "add on" due to the 5.0. I was at our local Ford dealer yesterday to see if the brochures were available and one of the sales guy was saying the SOS about demand when I asked him if they were going to be MSRP or they were going to deal.

objoe 2/11/10 01:07 PM

Are the price quotes as noted binding on either party? If it is to the dealer, then the trade-in is a separate
transaction since it is not listed on the quote sheet.

Kevindust 2/11/10 08:19 PM

Dear OP, that is a great deal...but there is a very easy way to save another $866 + tax...for the love of all that is holy about cars and people who love to drive, don't get an auto tranny!

(sorry, had to do it...)

2k7gtcs 2/11/10 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by Kevindust (Post 5815520)
Dear OP, that is a great deal...but there is a very easy way to save another $866 + tax...for the love of all that is holy about cars and people who love to drive, don't get an auto tranny!

(sorry, had to do it...)



RedCandy5.0 2/12/10 04:31 AM

Yea Yea but when im beating 80% of stick drivers with my auto with a tune because most suck at driving a stick. They just think they know how to drive one. Have taken out Camaro SS with a stick because if ****ty drivers. Just like your **** it may be bigger but it dont mean you know how to use it.

Kevindust 2/12/10 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by DarkCandy08GT (Post 5815649)
Yea Yea but when im beating 80% of stick drivers with my auto with a tune because most suck at driving a stick. They just think they know how to drive one. Have taken out Camaro SS with a stick because if ****ty drivers. Just like your **** it may be bigger but it dont mean you know how to use it.

I wasn't trying to flame you, sorry if I came off that way! Since the topic is about price, it seemed relevant to point out an easy way to save money. I would say that 80% of people on the road can't drive...regardless of their choice of transmission. By all means, get what suits you...and post pics of that beautiful new 5.0!

Like you said..."Just cause you have a fancy pen doesn't mean you can write a great story"

RedCandy5.0 2/12/10 08:12 AM

Dude i was just messing around. I get crap all the time for driving a auto. My wife likes driving it sometimes and she does not want to learn a stick so i guess i have to compromise sometimes. Better than no 5.0 at all.

05fordgt 2/12/10 12:52 PM

Hey Joe, its Jeff. You get any snow up there like we did down in PA? Its horrid. Anyhow, if they will honor the deal, do it. Like Brian, I don't know why they want to sell a Mustang for under invoice so early in the model year. I know what I am offering is a good deal, and others have said so. What they are doing doesn't make sense to me, but thats the car business for you. Just be aware that they don't try to add things into your deal like after market items that you DON"T want. Its a way for them to get back money they gave up, in the beginning of the deal. Sometimes its hidden in the contract. Just trying to help :nice:

yellowpony1568 2/16/10 07:23 PM

Hi everyone. I have been registered on this site for a while, but I generally just read instead of posting. I have driven nothing but Mustangs my entire life, and now I am in the planning stages to get my 2011 and let my 2000 GT move on. I have been reading these post about people getting these great deals, and others on here working for dealerships, that might also offer good pricing. I live just an hour North of Atlanta, and would be willing to fly within a reasonable distance to get invoice or less. My wife is a flight attendant for Delta, so we fly free. Now, I sent an e-mail to Van Bortel Ford, but have yet to hear anything back. Maybe everyone flooded them with e-mails and calls after this post, and they decided not to answer, I don't know. If anyone has a contact there or any suggestions please let me know. In any case, I plan on sending out e-mails to all of the Ford dealers withing a certain radius of Atlanta soon, and see which one will deal. I have my X-plan pin number, but if I could do a little better, then I would look at that since the flight doesn't cost. Any rumors of dealers especially in the Atlanta area that are willing to deal like this one is information I would certainly appreciate. I look forward ro posting more as I move into the newer generation of Mustang, can't wait.

db2797 2/16/10 08:02 PM

They are in the process of moving their entire dealership at the moment, so they also might be ultra busy at the moment with the move too. Maybe check back with them in a couple of weeks?

todd03blown 2/16/10 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by yellowpony1568 (Post 5818182)
Hi everyone. I have been registered on this site for a while, but I generally just read instead of posting. I have driven nothing but Mustangs my entire life, and now I am in the planning stages to get my 2011 and let my 2000 GT move on. I have been reading these post about people getting these great deals, and others on here working for dealerships, that might also offer good pricing. I live just an hour North of Atlanta, and would be willing to fly within a reasonable distance to get invoice or less. My wife is a flight attendant for Delta, so we fly free. Now, I sent an e-mail to Van Bortel Ford, but have yet to hear anything back. Maybe everyone flooded them with e-mails and calls after this post, and they decided not to answer, I don't know. If anyone has a contact there or any suggestions please let me know. In any case, I plan on sending out e-mails to all of the Ford dealers withing a certain radius of Atlanta soon, and see which one will deal. I have my X-plan pin number, but if I could do a little better, then I would look at that since the flight doesn't cost. Any rumors of dealers especially in the Atlanta area that are willing to deal like this one is information I would certainly appreciate. I look forward ro posting more as I move into the newer generation of Mustang, can't wait.

I would contact the gentleman above your post 05fordgt (jeff)..he is selling them right around 300 over invoice if I remember correctly. He is in Pa so the drive back to the Atlanta area would be a nice!!

yellowpony1568 2/17/10 05:35 AM

Thanks for the replies. I didn't realize they were moving, could be why I haven't heard back as of yet. DarkCandy08GT, I received an e-mail from you regarding getting my e-mail address to send to a salesman at Van Bortel. I guess I am missing sometjhing. If you sent me an e-mail, how do you not know what my address is? I was going to reply back through the site, but it says your not accepting e-mails. Let me know how, and I will be glad to send it to you.

RedCandy5.0 2/17/10 05:41 AM

It does not show your whole e mail address. Mine is fixed now you can e mail me. But if you get no response from them give 05fordgt a message.

lsanch33 2/17/10 06:17 AM

Wait for rebates
The news yesterday showed Ford is dropping a shift at the Mustang plant. That is a pretty costly move for Ford (Transfering workers, etc). It also shows Ford isn't anticipating a big rush of orders for the 2011 Mustang. This isn't going to be 2005 all over again. Will it launch with rebates? Probably not . . . . . but I wouldn't be surprised to see low interest rates (or $500 rebates within a month of launch, maybe upto a $1000 with 2 months) . . . . . finding a dealer who will give you Xplan/Aplan probably won't be a problem.

In 2005 I had to wait 1 year after launch to find a dealer with a GT on his lot AND who would give me my employee A-plan price (no rebates, no special financing).

But a better question . .. . . who can wait for 400HP!

05fordgt 2/17/10 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by yellowpony1568 (Post 5818182)
Hi everyone. I have been registered on this site for a while, but I generally just read instead of posting. I have driven nothing but Mustangs my entire life, and now I am in the planning stages to get my 2011 and let my 2000 GT move on. I have been reading these post about people getting these great deals, and others on here working for dealerships, that might also offer good pricing. I live just an hour North of Atlanta, and would be willing to fly within a reasonable distance to get invoice or less. My wife is a flight attendant for Delta, so we fly free. Now, I sent an e-mail to Van Bortel Ford, but have yet to hear anything back. Maybe everyone flooded them with e-mails and calls after this post, and they decided not to answer, I don't know. If anyone has a contact there or any suggestions please let me know. In any case, I plan on sending out e-mails to all of the Ford dealers withing a certain radius of Atlanta soon, and see which one will deal. I have my X-plan pin number, but if I could do a little better, then I would look at that since the flight doesn't cost. Any rumors of dealers especially in the Atlanta area that are willing to deal like this one is information I would certainly appreciate. I look forward ro posting more as I move into the newer generation of Mustang, can't wait.

Hey bud, I'm the fellow that others have mentioned. I am selling GTs at $300 over invoice like they said. I have already sold 3 to forum members. If you don't get a reply back from Van Bortel, let me know. I'll be happy to order the car to your exact specifications. You also mentiond you have an X-Plan PIN number? If so, that is the better way to go as its cheaper than my deal. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a PM or email me at my email address Be happy to help you get the car you want. Thanks again for the consideration. :nice:


05fordgt 2/17/10 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by todd03blown (Post 5818230)
I would contact the gentleman above your post 05fordgt (jeff)..he is selling them right around 300 over invoice if I remember correctly. He is in Pa so the drive back to the Atlanta area would be a nice!!

Originally Posted by DarkCandy08GT (Post 5818357)
It does not show your whole e mail address. Mine is fixed now you can e mail me. But if you get no response from them give 05fordgt a message.

Hey Todd, Joe, thanks for the kind words!!! :nice:

tom281 2/17/10 06:23 AM

I bet you lunch that once the car arrives the dealer won't honor that price. I've seen it happen before. Get two signatures on that quote, one being from the GM.

goldhillstang 2/17/10 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by yellowpony1568 (Post 5818182)
Hi everyone. I have been registered on this site for a while, but I generally just read instead of posting. I have driven nothing but Mustangs my entire life, and now I am in the planning stages to get my 2011 and let my 2000 GT move on. I have been reading these post about people getting these great deals, and others on here working for dealerships, that might also offer good pricing. I live just an hour North of Atlanta, and would be willing to fly within a reasonable distance to get invoice or less. My wife is a flight attendant for Delta, so we fly free. Now, I sent an e-mail to Van Bortel Ford, but have yet to hear anything back. Maybe everyone flooded them with e-mails and calls after this post, and they decided not to answer, I don't know. If anyone has a contact there or any suggestions please let me know. In any case, I plan on sending out e-mails to all of the Ford dealers withing a certain radius of Atlanta soon, and see which one will deal. I have my X-plan pin number, but if I could do a little better, then I would look at that since the flight doesn't cost. Any rumors of dealers especially in the Atlanta area that are willing to deal like this one is information I would certainly appreciate. I look forward ro posting more as I move into the newer generation of Mustang, can't wait.

You might try Gene Evans in Union City or Team Ford in Marietta.

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